Category HW1

Spatial Distribution of Gene Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the log-10-transformed expression level of the TP53 gene, quantitative data of the total gene expression, and spatial data...

Correlation of Transcription Factor Expression with Cell and Nucleus Area

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the quantitative data of the expression count of the FOXA1 gene for each cell, quantitative data of the expression count of...

Centroid positions, cell and nucleus areas of each cell

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the ratio of nucleus area to cell area for each cell, quantitative data of the area for each...

CCND1 Expression vs ERBB2 Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data for the expression counts of ERBB2 and CCND1, as well as the quantitative data for the cell area of...

The highest expression of the top 10 highly expressed genes

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the top 10 highly expressed genes in the eevee dataset, quantitative data of the...

Correlation of Transcription Factor Expression with Cell and Nucleus Area

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the quantitative data of the expression count of the FOXA1 gene for each cell, quantitative data of the expression count of...

Locations of CB4 Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing CB4 gene expression count (quantitative data) and location of its expression (spatial data).

HW1 Submission: Visualizing Locations of Different Gene Expressions

[description] For my data visualization, I analyzed 15 different genes and displayed the proportion of genes expressed in a certain spot, also showing their location. I have spatial data that...

Visualizing the Mean-Variance Trend in the Eevee Dataset

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative and categorical data. The quantitative data is the mean and variance of gene expression for all genes, while the categorical...

Expression of WRN and RECQL4 versus x and y position in Spacial-barcode bead capture

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the WRN gene for each spot, quantitative data of expression count of the RECQL4...

CCDC80 spatial expression

What data types are you visualizing? In the following plot, quantitative data of the expression count of the CCDC80 gene for each cell was generated. X and Y coordinates were...

Most Expressed Genes in Breast Cancer Tissue Single Cell Spatial Transcriptomic Data

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing spatial data regarding the x,y centroid positions for each cell, and I am visualizing the categorical data representing the most expressed...

Spatial variation in proportion of genes expressed in smFISH

I am visualizing the spatial variation of the proportion of total number of genes expressed by a cell. The proportion is computed for each cell as the number of genes...

A Spatial Plot of POSTN Levels in Breast Cancer Tissue

What data types are you visualizing? I wanted to visualize quantitative data in regards to the gene expression for POSTN, the most expressed gene on average across all the cells,...

Spatial Distribution of Gene Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the log-10-transformed expression level of the TP53 gene, quantitative data of the total gene expression at each spot,...

Spatial visualization of number of genes expressed by cells of varying sizes

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing three types of quantitative data: firstly, the spatial locations of each cell given by their (x,y) Cartesian coordinates; secondly, the area...

Spacial gene expression of CTLA4 and CDH1

What data types are you visualizing? I am encoding spatial data because you can see the genes being expressed in the cell via the x,y alignment. I am also encoding...

Heatmap of the ACAP3 gene

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the ACAP3 gene within a single cell and spatial data regarding the x,y position...

Spatial Distribution of *CTH* Expression

What data types are you visualizing? In homework1, I am visualizing a subset of the spatially resolved transcriptomic data expressing CTH (pikachu group). The visualization contains quantitaive data of the...

Spatial Localization of Spatial-Barcode Beads for Total Number of Distinct Genes Expressed

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the (1) quantitative data for the total number of distinct genes expressed for each spatial-barcode bead and (2) spatial data for...

Relationship between LUM and POSTN Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression counts of the LUM gene and its relationship to the expression counts of the POSTN gene....

Spatial Distribution of Gene Expression-CD3E

What data types are you visualizing?

VCAN Expression Count vs. Aligned X and Y Position for Sequencing Spatial Transcriptomic Dataset

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the VCAN gene for each spot, and spatial data regarding the aligned x and...

Dependence of the expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) on cell location.

What data types are you visualizing? TNF Gene Family: Catagorical TNF Expression: Quantitative X,Y Centroid Positions: Quantitative

A descriptive title

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the ERBB2 gene for each cell, quantitative data of the area for each cell,...

The Number of Unique Genes Expressed Per Cell Across a Breast Cancer Tissue Sample

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the number of unique genes expressed in each cell, as well as spatial data including the x and...

Frequency of Most Expressed Gene in a Spot

What data types are you visualizing? We are visualizing quantitative data, the number of spots in which the gene is most expressed, and categorical data, the gene.

Category HW2

Classmate Visualization: Visualizing Locations of Different Gene Expressions

Whose code are you applying?

Most Expressed Genes in Breast Cancer Tissue Single Cell Spatial Transcriptomic Data

What data types are you visualizing? The spatial data regarding the x,y centroid positions for each cell are visualized, and the categorical data representing the most expressed gene in each...

FOXA1 and GATA3 Impact on Cell and Nucleus Area

Whose code are you applying? JHED: kbowden5

Visualization Critique

Caleb’s (challin1) visualization seeks to make more salient which genes have high mean or variance in expression. I believe this visualization is very effective because it uses position to encode...

Centroid positions, cell and nucleus areas of each cell

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED kbowden5

Characterization of Spatial ACAP3 Gene Expression Relative to Total and Single Gene Expression

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am applying April Yan’s code. Her JHED is yyan67.

The relationship between CCND1 Expression and ERBB2 Expression

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am applying Shaili Tripathi’s (jhed: stripat9) code to eevee dataset.

Applying the Spatial Distribution of Gene Expression visualization to the CXCR4 gene

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED. I am applying the code by Kiki Zhang (szhan128) for the eevee dataset to my pikachu dataset. There are two changes that...

Spatial Localization of Total Number of Distinct Genes Expressed - Pikachu

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED Jonathan Wang - jwang428

Critique of Wenyu Yang's 'A Spatial Plot of POSTN Levels in Breast Cancer Tissue'

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am critiquing Wenyu Yang’s (wyang51) “A Spatial Plot of POSTN Levels in Breast Cancer Tissue”

Critique​ of CCDC80 spatial expression

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED​ I am recreating the code of aperei13. Critique the resulting visualization when applied to your data. Do you think the author was...

Classmate Visualization: Spatial Distribution of Gene Expression

Whose code are you applying? I am applying Kiki Zhang’s code for Spatial Distribution of Gene Expression.

Spatial Distribution of the SDF4 Gene Expression At Each Spot

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am applying Kiki Zhang’s visualization code to my data. Kiki’s JHED is szhan128.

Taking a closer look at Jonathan Wang's HW1 Visualization

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED. I decided to choose Jonathan Wang’s (JHED = jwang428) visualization from HW1.

VCAN Expression versus x and y alignment in spacial-barcode bead capture

Whose code are you applying? I’m applying Kiki Zhang’s code (JHED: szhan128)

Critique of Amanda Kwok's HW1: Relationship between LUM and POSTN Expression

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am applying the code of Amanda Kwok (originally for the pikachu dataset) to the eevee dataset. Her JHED is akwok1.

Visualizing Mean and Variance of Gene Expression

This visualization applies code written by Caleb Hallinan (challin1) with a few minor modifications to better fit the pikachu data set.

Spatial variation in expression of CD4 gene

Whose code are you applying? I am applying Esther’s code of visualizing spatial variation in CD4 gene expression to the pikachu dataset.

Spatial Localization of Cells for Total Number of Distinct Genes Expressed

Whose code are you applying? Jonathan Wang (jwang428)

Spatial Locations of CD4 Expression

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am applying code by ewhang. The author visualized the eevee dataset. Their goal was to see the specific locations of CD4...

Correlation of Transcription Factor Expression with Cell and Nucleus Area

1) Whose code did you apply? I applied the code jwang428 wrote for the previous homework assignment.

Spatial Plot of POSTN Levels Across Spatial-Barcode Beads

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am applying Wenyu Yang’s (wyang51) code onto the eevee dataset. The source and modified code can be found below.

Visualizing the relationship between cell spatial position and HOXD8 expression

Whose code are you applying? Provide a JHED I am applying Andrew’s code (aying2). I switched out the gene he used (VCAN), as it was not in the pikachu dataset....

Category HW3

Visualizing Changes in Clustering from t-SNE Transformation Across Key Principal Component Pairs: Exploring Extremes and Intermediates

What data types are you visualizing? Gene Expression: Quantitative. X,Y positions: Quantitative. Principle Components: Ordinal.

Analysis of most expressed gene (POSTN): PCA, t-SNE, and UMAP Plots

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the most expressed gene POSTN for each cell, and spatial data regarding the x,y positions for each cell...

PCA with Non-normalized and Normalized Data

With this visualization, we are comparing PCA with non-normalized and normalized data. We are encoding the categorical data, spots, using the geometric primitive of point. We encoded the quantitative data,...

Comparison Between Normalized and Non-Normalized Gene Expression Prior to Dimensional Reduction

What question are you exploring? What happens if I do or not not normalize and/or transform the gene expression data (e.g. log and/or scale) prior to dimensionality reduction?

Performing non-linear dimensionality reduction on genes V.S. on PCs

What data types are you visualizing? quantatative data of the percentage of variance explained by each principal component; quantatative data of CD74 gene expression; quantatative data of pc1 and pc2...

Comparison of non-normalized and log-normalized gene expression data with Principal Component Analysis

Description of data visualization In this data visualization, I have plotted four graphs. The primary aim of the visualization is to compare between gene expression data that has not been...

The Effects of Normalization & Transformation on Loading Values for PCA

What data types are you visualizing? For the graph titled “Raw Data’s PCA”, I am visualizing the (1) quantitative data of ERBB2 expression, (2) quantitative data of CPB1 expression, (3)...

Performance of Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction on Genes and PCA

Write a description of your data visualization

The Impact of Normalization on Dimensionality Reduction: IGKC Expression Level Case Study

What data types are you visualizing? IGKC gene expression count: quantatative PC 1 and 2 scores: quantatative t-SNE coordinates emb1 and emb2: spatial

Linear vs Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction on Eevee Dataset

What’s the difference if I perform linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction to visualize my cells in 2D? There are fundamental differences in performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA), or a linear...

Visualizing Total Number of Genes, Spatial Position, and Gene Loadings Values with Respect to PCA Components

What data types are you visualizing? For plot A, I am visualizing quantitative data of the PC1 and PC2 values, and qualitative data of the total number of genes for...

Comparing the effect of tSNE on varying number of PCs:KRT7 expression

I am visualizing the effect of performing non-linear dimensionality reduction (TSNE) on varying number of PCs. The gene expression was normalized (by total gene expression for each cell) prior to...

Centroid positions, cell and nucleus areas of each cell

What genes (or other cell features such as area or total genes detected) are driving my reduced dimensional components?

Varying the number of principal components used to perform non-linear dimensionality reduction on barcode-based sequencing data

Description of Data Visualization Three graphs are used to illustrate the impact of increasing the number of principal components used for non-linear dimensionality reduction. Points are used as a geometric...

Effect of Introducing Principle Components on Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction

What data types are you visualizing? In the multi-panel plot, I am visualizing spatial and quantitative data with diffrerent projection approaches. The visualization contains spatial data of each cell’s position...

Normalization of gene expression prior to dimensionality reduction for Spatial Transcriptomic dataset

What happens if I do or not not normalize and/or transform the gene expression data (e.g. log and/or scale) prior to dimensionality reduction?

Effect of Normalization on Dimensionality Reduction

Description of the data visualization

Varying non-linear dimensionality reduction on PCs

###I explored the question: If I perform non-linear dimensionality reduction on PCs, what happens when I vary how many PCs should I use?​

Comparison of Gene Influence on PC1 in Raw and Cell Area-Normalized Data

Write a description describing your data visualization using vocabulary terms from Lesson 1. What data types are you visualizing? What data encodings (geometric primitives and visual channels) are you using...

Comparison between normalized vs not normalized dimensionality reduction on IGKC expression

What happens if I do or not not normalize and/or transform the gene expression data (e.g. log and/or scale) prior to dimensionality reduction? I compared dimensionality reduction on normalized vs...

Exploring Gene Expression Effects on Linear and Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction

What’s the difference if I perform linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction to visualize my cells in 2D? When visualizing the cells in 2D, nonlinear dimensionality reduction showed a more well-defined...

Comparison of Linear and Nonliner Dimensionality Reduction

What’s the difference if I perform linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction to visualize my cells in 2D? Linear dimensionality reductions, such as principle component analysis, works best with data that...

Category HW4

Multi-Panel Data Visualization

We are visualizing clusters in reduced dimensional space and identified cell cluster 1. We found this cell cluster to have several upregulated genes, including CXCL12, which plays a role in...

Differentially expressed gene (DSC2) in cell clusters by k-means

Write a description to convince me that your cluster interpretation is correct. Your description may reference papers and content that allowed you to interpret your cell cluster as a particular...

Identification of Epithelial Cells in Breast Cancer Tissue

Figure Description: Looking at the data in the pikachu data set, we can see that there are various cells, each with their own gene expression and cell type. However, our...

Differential Expression of APOD Gene in Barcode Data

Figure Description Figure 1 shows an elbow plot using points to display the withiness based on the k value. Figure 2 shows the 4 clusters created via kmeans clustering of...

Interpreting cell cluster through dimensionality reduction and differential gene expression analysis

Things to know about my visualization The visualization aims to provide evidence for characterizing a specific cluster of cells and understanding its gene expression profile. For data pre-processing, I first...

Multi-panel visualization of an immune cell cluster with differentially expressed genes

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing). This figure is a...

Multi-Panel Data Visualization of Breast Cancer Cell Cluster and Genes

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing).

Description of Visualization I am visualizing the expression of a distinct cell type identified through clustering of the dimensionally reduced log-normalized gene expression in the Eevee dataset using t-SNE and...

Analyzing for Breast Glandular Cells

Figure Description: Through k-means clustering and gene expression analysis, I wanted to identify a specific cell type in the breast cancer tissue in the eevee data set. To start off,...

Identifying Mammary Epithelial Cells

My figure features cluster 3 and links the expression of a known breast cancer gene in mammary epithelial cells to cluster 3. Further investigation showed two genes expressed in mammary...

Looking for Breast Cancer Cell Types in Eevee Dataset

Description of Plot I used the K-means clustering method to identify potential groupings of cell types in the Eevee dataset, specifically for breast cancer tissue.

Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes in Breast Cancer Tissue Through K-Means Cluster Analysis

What am I visualizing? After normalizing and filtering out the top 150 genes present in a subsection of breast cancer tissue, I wanted to know if I could be able...

Locating a cell type in breast tissue using spatial transcriptomics data

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing). There are five plots...

Identifying Cell-type from Breast Cancer Tissue Spatial Transcriptomics Data using K-means Clustering, tSNE, and Wilcox-test

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing) For plot A, I...

CD8B spatial expression

Plots description

CD93 in Breast Cancer Endothelial Cells

Create a multi-panel data visualization that includes at minimum the following components: # A panel visualizing your one cluster of interest in reduced dimensional space (PCA, tSNE, etc) plot name:...

KRT8 Expression in Breast Cancer

In this visualization, I explore the expression of KRT8, a cancer related gene, in breast cancer tissue. In panel A and E, I use points to represent cells in a...

Cell type exploration using differential gene expression analyses

In the above visualization I have identified a cluster that belong to plasma cells or mature B cells. I started with normalizing the gene expression data by the total gene...

Cell Cluster Identification and Validation in Breast Tumor Tissue (revised)

Plot Description This visualization presents differential gene expression to validate cell type identification by k-means on 2D tSNE space. The spatial-transcriptomics data on breast tumor tissue is preprocessed by removing...

Spatially Resolved Gene Expression Analysis using KMeans clustering

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing). Write a description to...

Analysis of AGR3 Cluster and Gene Expression

General Description This figure is an analysis of AGR3 expression within a specific cluster and its spatial distribution across the tissue sample. The plots show clustering into groups of 6...

Identifying Glandular Cells and Adipocytes in Breast Tissue

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing). Write a description to...

Category HW5

Multi-Panel Data Visualization for Pikachu Dataset

In this data visualization we are visualizing clusters in the pikachu dataset. We identified cluster 17 as potentially being the same cell type we identified from the Eevee dataset due...

Differentially expressed gene (DSC2) in cell clusters by k-means

Use/adapt your code from HW4 to identify the same cell-type in the other dataset. Create a multi-panel data visualization and write a description to convince me you found the same...

Identification of Myoepithelial Cells in Breast Cancer Tissue: For Eevee Dataset

Figure Description: The workflow from homework 4 was applied with some modifications (as described below) to analyze the eevee dataset and identify a cluster of cells that were of the...

Differential Expression of ERBB2 Gene in Pikachu Data

Figure Description I switched from the Eevee dataset to the Pikachu dataset. As a result of the elbow plot, I judged that the optimal k for k-means clustering of the...

Pikachu dataset: Interpreting cell cluster through dimensionality reduction and differential gene expression analysis

Describe what you changed and why you think you had to change it. I switched from Eevee dataset to Pikachu dataset. In my previous visualization, I performed K means clustering...

Multi-panel visualization of a cluster with differentially expressed genes

Use/adapt your code from HW4 to identify the same cell-type in the other dataset. Create a multi-panel data visualization and write a description to convince me you found the same...

Cell Cluster Identification and Validation in Breast Tumor Tissue

### Plot Description This visualization presents differential gene expression to validate cell type identification by k-means on 2D tSNE space. The spatial-transcriptomics data on breast tumor tissue is preprocessed by...

Exploring cell type using differential gene expression through KMeans clustering

Write a description of what you changed and why you think you had to change it.

Identification of Epithelial Cell Cluster in Breast Cancer Tissue of Pikachu Data Set

Description of Visualization Changes When visualizing the Eevee data set, I had visual analysis to determine the optimal number of clusters to be K=10. In the pikachu data set, I...

Analyzing for Breast Glandular Cells: V2

Figure Description: In applying the workflow adapted from homework 4 (k-means clustering and differential gene expression analysis), I believe I was able to identify breast glandular cells, or more specifically,...

Identifying Mammary Epitheial Cells in the Eevee Data

Write a description to convince me you found the same cell-type My figure features cluster 5 and links the expression of a known breast cancer gene in mammary epithelial cells...

Breast Glandular Cells in EEVEE Data Set

Write a description of what you changed and why you think you had to change it.

Identifying DCIS & Stromal Cells in Imaging Spatial Transcriptomics Data Through K-Means Cluster Analysis

What am I visualizing? My visualization accomplishes the same goals as my previous one, honing in on a particular k-means cluster and identifying potential cell-types. In my previous Eeevee dataset,...

Expression of CD9 in reduced dimensional and physical space

Create a multi-panel data visualization and write a description to convince me you found the same cell-type. In my original Eevee dataset, I identified a cell cluster that differentially expressed...

Imaging (Pikachu) Dataset: Identifying Cell-type from Breast Cancer Tissue Spatial Transcriptomics Data using K-means Clustering, tSNE, and Wilcox-test

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing) For plot A, I...

PDK4 in Breast Cancer Adipocytes Cells

Edits to the code Description: I switched from the pikachu to the eevee datset. To choose a better cluster size, I ran a loop to determine the total withiness plotted...

Identifying KRT8 Expression in Spot-Based Spatial Transcriptomic Data Set

In the pikachu Single Cell Data Set, I identified a cluster of cells that had high expression of the KRT8 gene. I hypothesized that these cells were epithelial cells.

Identifying plasma/mature B cells in the Evee dataset

In the above visualization I have identified a cluster that belong to plasma cells or mature B cells in the evee dataset.

Multi-Panel Data Visualization of Breast Cancer Cell Cluster and Genes - Eevee

Write a description of what you changed and why you think you had to change it.

Locating glandular epithelial cells within the Pikachu data

Write a description of what you changed and why you think you had to change it. For Homework 5, I am switching from the Eevee dataset to the Pikachu dataset....

Analysis of Sequencing Dataset Clustering, AGR3 Expression, and cell-typing

Description For this assignment, I switched from the Pikachu to the Eevee dataset. I previously found that most of the variation was captured by about 20 PCs following PCA. With...

ANXA3 spatial expression

Code changes from pikachu to eevee dataset

Category HW EC1

Gganimate on HW3 of Varying PC's Influence on tSNEs

If I perform non-linear dimensionality reduction on PCs, what happens when I vary how many PCs should I use?​ If I perform non-linear dimensionality reduction on varying PCs the clustering...

Comparison of Loading Values on PC1 in Raw and Log Transformed Data

Write a a brief description of your figure so we know what you are visualizing. You do not need to use the vocabulary terms from Lesson 1.

Dimensionality Reduction using GGanimate

Description of figure In the gif, I visualized the pca (linear) dimensionality reduction in 2D space which transitions into the tSNE (nonlinear) dimensionality reduciton in 2D space. The axes for...

Comparing the effect of tSNE on varying number of PCs:KRT7 expression (using gganimate)

If I perform non-linear dimensionality reduction on PCs, what happens when I vary how many PCs should I use?

gganimate: Visualizing IGKC in tSNE Space with Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction on Varying Numbers of PCs

What data types are you visualizing? For the plots on the left side of the animation, I am visualizing the quantitative data of the X1 and X2 tSNE embedding values,...

Visualizing Top Genes Driving Reduced Dimensionality Components

What are you visualizing? What genes are driving my reduced dimensionality components? I used gganimate to visualize the gene expression levels of genes that are driving the principal components (PC1...

Linear Dimensionality Reduction on original, normalized, and log transformed normalized data of gene expression

What happens if I do or do not normalize and/or transform the gene expression data (e.g. log and/or scale) prior to dimensionality reduction?

Making an Animated Visualization using gganimate on HW3

What’s the difference if I perform linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction to visualize my cells in 2D? I decided to explore the impact of linear versus nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques...

Analysis of most expressed gene (POSTN): PCA, t-SNE, and UMAP Plots

gganimate animation from hw3 Animation of the expression of the top gene POSTN can be expressed across different dimensionality reduction plots (PCA, t-sne, and UMAP).

Category EC HW1

Visualizing Tighter Clustering Using More PCs

Description This gif is a visualization of what happens when you run nonlinear dimensionality reduction (in this case tSNE) on an increasing number of principal components (PCs) after principal component...

Category HW6

Visualizing Cells in CODEX to Identify Tissue Structure

Interpret the tissue structure in CODEX DATA

Identify cell clusters, through the expression of CD8 and CD21, in CODEX dataset

Perform a full analysis (quality control, dimensionality reduction, kmeans clustering, differential expression analysis) on your data. Your goal is to figure out what tissue structure is represented in the CODEX...

Identification of Red Pulp Tissue Structure within CODEX Dataset

Figure Description: The general workflow from homework 5 was applied with some modifications, namely utilizing tSNE instead of PCA for dimensionality reduction, to analyze the CODEX dataset. I ultimately believe...

Visualization of Cell Types in CODEX Data

Figure Description Figure a describes a TSNE plot for the CODEX data, with the color hues used to represent the kmeans clustering of this plot with a k = 5....

Interpreting tissue structure represented in the CODEX dataset

Describe your data visualization After normalizing the protein expression, I applied PCA and t-SNE for dimensionality reduction. Then I determined the optimal number of clusters using the elbow method. Choosing...

Visualization of spleen tissue structure

Tissue structure representation in the CODEX data In this visualization, we investigate the tissue structure from spleen protein localization data. For the first row of visualizations, in plots a and...

Cell Cluster Identification and Validation in Breast Tumor Tissue

###Cluster of interest 1 (cluster 5) Based on the upregulated markers in the volcano plot it seems like the cell cluster could be representing Artery/Vein tissue structure. CD31 (PECAM-1): CD31...

Exploring Cell Types in CODEX Data

You will need to visualize and interpret at least two cell-types. Create a data visualization and write a description to convince me that your interpretation is correct.

Characterizing the Codex Dataset

What tissue structure is represented in the Codex Data? I propose that the Codex data is a vascularized area of red pulp in the spleen.

What is in a Spleen? Identifying the Tissue Structure of the CODEX dataset

Your goal is to figure out what tissue structure is represented in the CODEX data. Options include: (1) Artery/Vein, (2) White pulp, (3) Red pulp, (4) Capsule/Trabecula. You will need...

Identification of White Pulp Tissue Through K-Means Analysis of CORDEX Data

What am I visualizing? Here, I am visualizing a particular cluster from the CORDEX dataset, full of proteins, of an unknown tissue structure, in the hope of identifying the tissue...

CODEX Data Exploration and Analysis of the Spleen

Description of Visualization Here is a brief description of each plot in the visualization:

Interpreting the tissue structure represented in the CODEX data

Your goal is to figure out what tissue structure is represented in the CODEX data. Options include: (1) Artery/Vein, (2) White pulp, (3) Red pulp, (4) Capsule/Trabecula The tissue structure...

Identifying Cell-types from Spleen CODEX Dataset using K-means Clustering, tSNE, and Wilcox-test

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing) For plot A, I...

CD15 and CD8 Expression in White Pulp

Perform a full analysis (quality control, dimensionality reduction, kmeans clustering, differential expression analysis) on your data. Your goal is to figure out what tissue structure is represented in the CODEX...

Identifying Proteins and Functional Regions in the Spleen

My hypothesis is that this data represents a section of spleen tissue which includes an artery and surrounding white pulp. My hypothesis is based off of the cell types I...

Exploring tissue type for CODEX data

In the above visualization I have identified a cluster that belongs to endothelial cells (panels A-D), a cluster that belongs to T cells (panels E-H), followed by exploring highly expressed...

Identification of Blood Vessel Cell Cluster in Spleen Tissue

Description of Visualization I am analyzing spleen tissue from the CODEX dataset and have identified a region composed of artery/vein cell types. Specifically, this cluster of cells expresses SMActin and...

Analyzing for Red Pulp Tissue Structure within the Spleen

Figure Description: Adapting the workflow from homework 5 (k-means clustering and differential gene expression analysis), I believe I was able to identify two distinct cell types in clusters 9 and...

Identifying Red and White Pulp in Spleen Data

Your description should reference papers and content that allowed you to interpret your cell clusters as a particular cell-types. My figure visualizes the white and red pulp of the spleen....

Identifying Type of Tissue in the Spleen

You will need to visualize and interpret at least two cell-types. Create a data visualization and write a description to convince me that your interpretation is correct.

CODEX data analysis

Genes extracted from cluster analysis

Category HWEC1

Effect of varying number of principle components before performing non-linear dimensional reduction

Plot Description The visualization shows the effect of varying number of principle components (2,4,6,10,20,30) on later non-linearity reduced space. Expression of CD1c gene is color-coded to see how well the...

Effect of Normalization on PCA

What happens if I do or not not normalize and/or transform the gene expression data (e.g. log and/or scale) prior to dimensionality reduction?

Animating Effects of Not Normalizing vs. Normalizing on PCA

Figure Description: I animated the transition between two plots: one depicting the raw, unaltered data, and the other showcasing the data after normalization and log transformation. In the initial plot,...

Animating The Effects of Normalization & Transformation on Loading Values for PCA

Figure Description: I decided to animate the effects of normalization and transformation on PCA by transitioning between two plots: (1) where the data is not normalized or transformed and (2)...

Category HW EC3

Using SEraster on Xenium Breast Cancer Data

Brief Description I decided to utilize SEraster on a Xenium breast cancer dataset ( to rasterize gene expression. Plotted below is the non-rasterized gene expression compared to the rasterized gene...

Category hw EC1

Normalizing and Transforming Gene Expression

Description of my visualization:

Category HWEC2

Using CRAWDAD on pikachu dataset

Apply SEraster, STalign, or CRAWDAD to a spatial omics dataset from the class I applied CRAWDAD to the pikachu dataset. After normalizing the dataset, I performed Kmeans clustering using the...