Lesson 5: T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

Table of Contents


Learning objectives

By the end of this lesson, we should understand what is t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding and how to apply it to our spatial transcriptomic datasets.

Hands-on Component

Our in-class hands-on component will analyzing our spatial transcriptomics datasets to create a data visualization using tSNE. We will also use patchwork to create a multipanel plot.

Class Notes

Prof. Fan’s whiteboard notes from class: genomic-data-visualization-Lesson_5.pptx (click to download)

Prof. Fan’s code from class: code-lesson-5.R (click to download)

Homework Assignment

Make a new data visualization of your spatial transcriptomics dataset with a minimum of 2 panels using the dimensionality reduction approaches we have been learning about in class.

Additional details: genomic-data-visualization-HW_3.pptx (click to download)

Use the same process from HW_1 for what is expected and how to submit your homework to the folder hw3/.

Additional resources