
Welcome to the Course Website for EN.580.428 Genomic Data Visualization!

As the primary mode through which analysts and audience members alike consume data, data visualization remains an important hypothesis generating and analytical technique in data-driven research to facilitate new discoveries. However, if done poorly, data visualization can also mislead, bias, and slow down progress. This hands-on course will cover the principles of perception and cognition relevant for data visualization and apply these principles to genomic data, including large-scale single-cell and spatially-resolved omics datasets, using the R statistical programming language. Students will be expected to complete class readings, create weekly data visualizations as homework assignments, and make a major class presentation.

Course Information

Course Staff: Prof. Jean Fan and Caleb Hallinan
Lectures: 8:00am-9:50am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. See Canvas for location details.
Office Hours: 10:00am-10:50am Monday, Wednesday, and by request. See Canvas for location details.

Course Details
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All Visualizations

Reanlaysis of another dataset

We previously performed k-means clustering with k=8, assuming that a higher number of clusters would better capture transcriptional heterogeneity. However, after applying the elbow method, we found that the optimal...

Re-Identify Fibroblast-Related Cell Cluster through Imaging-Based SRT Data

1. Description of the Figure I used similar dimensionality reduction techniques and differential gene expression analysis on the imaging-based pikachu dataset. The figure consists of 7 plots. K-means clustering is...

Locating fibroblasts in breast tissue using spatial transcriptomics data

Describe your figure briefly so we know what you are depicting (you no longer need to use precise data visualization terms as you have been doing). There are six plots...

Differential Gene Expression Analysis- TACSTD2

Description I created 5 visualizations of a particular cluster from a KNN clustering process. I chose the cluster which corresponded to a circle of cells in the upper left corner...

HW3: Exploring Cell Type with Differentially upregulated CD52

1. Figure Description. Figure A: Cluster 1 is highlighted in orange in PCA space, while the remaining six clusters are shown in grey. The axes represent PC1 and PC2. Figure...

Identify Fibroblast-Related Cell Cluster through Spatial Transcriptomics Data Analysis

1. Description of the Figure The figure presents a multi-panel visualization of a transcriptionally distinct cell cluster by using dimensionality reduction techniques and differential gene expression analysis. K-means clustering is...

Visualization of potential B cell populations in the Eevee sequencing data

To begin, I normalized by gene expression values by the total counts and subsequently performed PCA. I used a scree plot to verify that PCs 1 and 2 encapsulated much...

Analyzing MMP11 Gene Expression

Visualization Summary In this visualization, I am analyzing the Eevee sequencing spatial transcriptomics dataset. The 1000 most highly expressed genes were normalized, log-transformed, and clustered (K = 10). To understand...

Interrogating Spatial Spot Cluster Differential Gene Expression with 10x Visium

In these panels, I am depicting the representation of a 10x visium dataset in latent tSNE-embedded space and over the original spatial slide coordinates. I select a cluster based on...

HW3 Data Exploration - Cluster 3 and CCN1 Gene

In the first figure, I have visualized cluster 3 in the PCA space by plotting the first and second principal components (quantitative data). I have used points to do so,...

1. Written Answer