
Reference-free cell-type deconvolution of multi-cellular spatially resolved transcriptomics data

View the Project on GitHub JEFworks-Lab/STdeconvolve

The following code demonstrates how to create the BCL ST input data matrix for STdeconvolve


First load the BCL data. Note that this data object is stored on the devel branch of STdeconvolve

data("BCL") # the 4 breast cancer sections
## 4 layers, 1031 total spots.
bcl_pos <- BCL$pos[,1:2]
bcl_slice <- BCL$pos[,3]
names(bcl_slice) <- rownames(bcl_pos)
# clean up poor spots and genes
bclClean <- cleanCounts(counts = BCL$counts, # genes x spots mtx
                                 min.reads = 10,
                                 min.lib.size = 10,

## merge the 4 sections together
bcl_paths <- list()
bcl_paths[[1]] <- as.matrix(t(BCL$counts[,names(bcl_slice[bcl_slice == 1])]))
bcl_paths[[2]] <- as.matrix(t(BCL$counts[,names(bcl_slice[bcl_slice == 2])]))
bcl_paths[[3]] <- as.matrix(t(BCL$counts[,names(bcl_slice[bcl_slice == 3])]))
bcl_paths[[4]] <- as.matrix(t(BCL$counts[,names(bcl_slice[bcl_slice == 4])]))
## lets also make sure we are using genes that are present across all slices
## because the final corpus will be all the spots across all the slices
## and each one will also need to contain the genes in the union
all_genes <- lapply(bcl_paths, function(p){
  genes <- colnames(p)
all_genes <- Reduce(intersect, all_genes)
## find shared set of OD genes across sections to try and identify common transcriptional patterns
bcl_ODgenes <- lapply(bcl_paths, function(p) {
  dat <- preprocess(p,
                   alignFile = NA,
                   extractPos = FALSE,
                   selected.genes = all_genes, # use the set of shared genes across all slices
                   nTopGenes = 5,
                   genes.to.remove = NA,
                   removeAbove = 0.95,
                   removeBelow = NA,
                   min.reads = 10,
                   min.lib.size = 10,
                   min.detected = 1,
                   ODgenes = TRUE, # select the overdispersed genes
                   od.genes.alpha = 0.05, # use a smaller alpha to use the union of the top OD genes in each section
                   gam.k = 5,
                   nTopOD = 100) # Select the top OD genes in each slice
## because very few genes are OD across all sections, instead take the union and consider genes
## that are OD in any slice
unionBCLGenes <- Reduce(union, bcl_ODgenes)
bclCorpus <- preprocess(t(as.matrix(BCL$counts)),
                       alignFile = NA,
                       extractPos = FALSE,
                       selected.genes = unionBCLGenes,
                       min.reads = 0, 
                       min.lib.size = 0, # because using specific set of genes, remove spots with 0 counts but keep others
                       ODgenes = FALSE)
bcl_pos <- BCL$pos[,1:2]
bcl_slice <- BCL$pos[,3]
names(bcl_slice) <- rownames(bcl_pos)
bclCorpus$pos <- bcl_pos[rownames(bclCorpus$corpus), ]
# filter spots in bcl_slice based on those kept in the corpus
bcl_slice_filt <- bcl_slice[names(bcl_slice) %in% rownames(bclCorpus$pos)]
bclCorpus$slice <- bcl_slice_filt