Homework 1 Submission

What data type am I visualizing? Data used in this visualization belong to quantitaive data.
What data encodings are used? I used points as geometric primitives because I want to plot every cell and it is easy to understand the meaning of the plot. I used hue and saturation as my visual channels. Hue can help me distinguish the cell areas and saturation can help me visulize overlapping points.
What information am I trying to make salient? In this visulization, I am trying to show the difference between LUM and KRT7 effect on cell area. As y increases (LUM expression increase), the red gets deeper while as x increases (KRT7 expression increase), the dots stay white to light red. This shows that LUM expression is positively correlated with cell area. This plot also showed that LUM and KRT7 don’t seem to expressed together in a cell because the dots are clearly seperated along two axis.
What Gestalt principles or other visual encodings used? This plot contains similarity (color code) and proximity (two seperate groups of dot along axis)
pikachu <- read.csv("~/Documents/genom_visual/hw1/pikachu.csv")
pikachu %>%
geom_point(aes(KRT7, LUM, color=cell_area), alpha=0.7)+
scale_color_gradient(low="white", high="red")