Spatial Visualization of POSTN Expression in Tissue

Kamie Mueller
Hi this is Kamie

Spatial Visualization of POSTN Expression in Tissue

What data types are you visualizing?

The data visualized represents the spatial distribution of MS4A1 expression. This is a gene encoding CD20, a well-known surface marker expressed on B-cells, which are a critical part of the adaptive immune system. The dataset originates from a spatial transcriptomics experiment and includes both spatial coordinates of cells and their respective gene expression levels. The data has been normalized using Counts Per Million (CPM) and transformed with log10(x + 1) scaling to account for cells with no measurable expression. Expression values range from 0 (no expression) to 5 (high expression) in the log10 scale.

What data encodings (geometric primitives and visual channels) are you using to visualize these data types?

To represent individual cells in the tissue, I used points as geometric primitives. Each point represents a single cell. The following visual channels encode the data:

Position (x, y): These encode the spatial location of each cell within the tissue.

Color (hue): This encodes the expression level of MS4A1 on a per-cell basis. A gradient is applied, where higher expression levels are shown in warm colors (yellow, orange, red), and cells without measurable expression are blue.

This encoding leverages pre-attentive processing principles, as viewers can easily identify and differentiate high-expression cells by their warm hues.

What about the data are you trying to make salient through this data visualization?

The visualization highlights a key biological trend: MS4A1 expression (and by extension, B-cells) is localized to a specific region, suggesting a potential lymphoid aggregation. Such clusters may indicate immune activity, often associated with tissue damage, inflammation, or tumor microenvironments.

What Gestalt principles and/or knowledge about perceptiveness of visual encodings are you using to accomplish this?

To make this trend salient, I applied these Gestalt principles:

  1. Similarity: Cells are colored based on expression levels, with warm colors representing B-cells and blue representing other cells. This differentiation emphasizes the grouping of B-cells.

  2. Proximity: The spatial distribution of points naturally reveals areas where cells are clustered, reinforcing the localized nature of MS4A1 expression.

These principles guide viewers to perceive the pattern of B-cell clustering and their spatial relationship to other cells in the tissue.

#install.packages('viridis') #color gradients

# Reading the data
data <- read.csv('~/Desktop/gdv_hw1/pikachu.csv.gz')

# Selecting the gene expression columns and the position columns
pos <- data[, c('aligned_x', 'aligned_y')]
rownames(pos) <- data[,1]
gexp <- data[, 7:ncol(data)]
rownames(gexp) <- data[,1]

# Counts per Million CPM normalization
numgenes <- rowSums(gexp)
normgexp <- gexp/numgenes*1e6
normgexp = log10(normgexp+1)

# Choose gene g
g <- "MS4A1"

# Create dataframe
df <- data.frame(x=pos[,1], y=pos[,2], gene = normgexp[,g])

# Plot dataframe
ggplot(df,aes(x=x, y=y)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(col=gene),size=0.5) +
  labs(x = "Medial-Lateral Location of Cell", y = "Inferior-Superior Location of Cell", 
       color = paste(g, "Expression \n(Log10 CPM)")) + 
  scale_color_viridis_c(option = "plasma")