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Function to permutate a given input SpatialExperiment object(s) by rotating the x,y coordinates around the midrange point.

This function assumes that the input is provided as a SpatialExperiment object or a list of SpatialExperiment objects.

When the input is a list of SpatialExperiment objects, all SpatialExperiment objects will be rotated around a common midrange point computed based on combined x,y coordinates.


permutateByRotation(input, n_perm = 1, verbose = FALSE)



SpatialExperiment or list: Input data represented as a SpatialExperiment or list of SpatialExperiment. Each SpatialExperiment is assumed to have an assay slot containing feature (genes) x observation (cells) matrix as dgCmatrix or matrix and a spatialCoords slot containing spatial x,y coordinates of observations as matrix array. Further, x,y coordinates are assumed to be stored in column 1 and 2 of spatialCoords, and column names of spatialCoords are assumed to be "x" and "y", respectively.


integer: Number of permutations. Default = 1. This number is used to compute the angles at which the input is rotated at.


logical: Whether to display verbose output or warning. Default is FALSE.


If the input was given as SpatialExperiment, the output is returned as a list of n_perm

SpatialExperiment objects. Each SpatialExperiment

object has an updated spatialCoords slot containing the spatial x,y coordinates rotated at a corresponding angle. assay and colData slots are inherited. Further, names() of the output indicates the angles at which the input is rotated at. If the input was given as list of SpatialExperiment, the output is returned as a new list of length(input) * n_perm

SpatialExperiment objects. Each SpatialExperiment object has an updated spatialCoords slot containing the spatial x,y coordinates rotated at a corresponding angle. assay and colData slots are inherited. Further, names() of the output indicates the dataset names from names(input)

and the angles at which the input is rotated at.



# create a list of 3 permutated datasets rotated at 0 (original), 120, and 240 degrees
# this output can directly be fed into rasterizeGeneExpression or rasterizeCellType 
# functions to rasterize all 3 permutations at once with the same pixel coordinates
spe_list <- permutateByRotation(merfish_mousePOA, n_perm = 3)

# create a list of 5 permutated datasets rotated at 0 (original), 72, 144, 216, 288 degrees
spe_list <- permutateByRotation(merfish_mousePOA, n_perm = 5)