How to book travel

We aim to minimize reimbursements for major travel expenses often associated with conference attendance. As such, please follow this checklist in booking your travels for attending a scientific conference:


  1. Always discuss the Scientific Conference Plan with Prof. Fan first to ensure that the anticipated travel is appropriate as to obtain the appropriate approvals for covering the trip expenses
  2. Coordinate with our admin to book with the JHU travel agency such that major travel expenses (air travel and hotel generally) can be paid directly from lab accounts to avoid reimbursements. This will generally require you to send:
    • Filled out version of the attached spreadsheet
    • Optional: A picture of your passport for travel that require passports.
    • Approval of this trip from Prof. Fan
    • Name of event/activity;
    • Purpose of trip; (Can be basic, such as, “To attend the [conference name] conference in [location].” If it is an acronym, include what it stands for.)
    • Additional travel itinerary comments; (such as if you need a specific kind of hotel room or something)
    • Reason for request; (similar to purpose of trip, just put “To book transportation and lodging to [location] for the [conference name] conference.)
    • Event/activity start date;
    • Event/activity end date;
    • Has a hotel been contracted for this event? (Do you need one?)
    • Estimate travel cost
    • Any additional comments/questions for the World Travel agent. (list the info for your preferred flights.)
  3. Save your smaller receipts such as for meals and ground transportation for reimbursement after your trip by emailing our admin. Please cc Prof. Fan so she can provide the appropriate budget account numbers. Please organize a shared OneDrive folder with these receipts to help our admins process your reimbursements more efficiently.