Jean Fan

Prof. Jean Fan

Assistant Professor

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. I was previously an NCI F99/K00 post-doctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Xiaowei Zhuang at Harvard University. I received my PhD in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics at Harvard under the mentorship of Dr. Peter Kharchenko at the Department of Biomedical Informatics and in close collaboration with Dr. Catherine Wu at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. In my free time, I enjoy writing code to forward STEM education. Once in awhile, I try to make time for photography.

  • CV

    Meet the Team

    Caleb Hallinan

    Caleb Hallinan

    Graduate Student

    I am currently a first-year PhD student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Hopkins. My ultimate goal is to develop user-friendly computational software specifically tailored for biologists who may not be as tech-savvy. My research focus lies in deciphering the intricate connection between spatial gene expression and tissue architecture in 2D, with the goal of broadening these insights into 3D applications. When I'm not busy with research, you'll find me playing/watching sports, hanging out with friends, or watching movies :)

  • Dee Velazquez

    Dee Velazquez

    Undergraduate Student

    I am a undergraduate student majoring in computer science and chemical & biomolecular engineering at Johns Hopkins. I have had previous lab and research experience in cellular biology, computational chemistry, and deep learning. I am currently interested in using my technical background to anaylyze data and solve biomedical problems. Outside the lab, I enjoy working out, listening to music, cooking, and watching movies/anime.

  • Julie Xian

    Julie Xian

    Rotation Student

    I am currently a first-year MD/PhD student at Hopkins. My research interests are in leveraging computational approaches to understand the role of genetics and gene expression in human disease. Outside of the lab, I enjoy running, soccer, climbing, anything outdoors, reading, coffee :)

  • Kalen Clifton

    Kalen Clifton

    Graduate Student

    I am a PhD student in the biomedical engineering program at Hopkins. I am interested in using math and programming to study biological spatial organization. As an undergraduate at William & Mary, I majored in computational and applied math while pursuing research in biology. For a research project in synthetic biology, I characterized the increase in gene expression that can result from using ribozyme insulators in genetic circuits. Currently, I am involved in supporting STEM education and career development through mentoring the Hopkins iGEM team and serving on the executive board of JHU BME EDGE. Also, I enjoy volleyball and visual arts (infrequently via painting; frequently via television).

  • Lyla Atta

    Lyla Atta

    Graduate Student

    I am currently an MD-PhD candidate pursuing my PhD in Biomedical Engineering. I am interested systems biology and data science and am excited about how computational and mathematical methods can be used to understand complexity in disease. In my free time, I like to read, paint, and go to art and history museums.

  • Manjari Anant

    Manjari Anant

    Graduate Student

    I am a Neuroscience PhD student, coadvised by Dr. Justus Kebschull. I am interested in understanding how the genetic and connectivity patterns of cells in the brain change during development and across species, with a focus on the cerebellar nuclei. In my spare time, I like hiking and exploring Baltimore!

    Mayling Chen

    Mayling Chen

    Undergraduate Student

    I'm a first-year Biomedical Engineering student at Johns Hopkins University. I have previously worked in this lab to learn how to increase the scalability of spatial omics data analysis and I'm excited to help make this method more accessible to others. Outside of school, I enjoy listening to music, watching documentaries, and making matcha latte for my friends.

    Rafael dos Santos Peixoto

    Rafael dos Santos Peixoto

    Graduate Student

    I am a Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. candidate at Hopkins. My current project is CRAWDAD (, an R package that analyzes cell-type spatial relationships (colocalization and separation) at different spatial scales. In my personal time, I play sports and watch the Palmeiras soccer team!

  • Remy



    Bork bork. Bork bork bork. Grumble grumble. Bork bork bork bork.

  • Srujan Singh (Sami)

    Srujan Singh (Sami)

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    I am a recent PhD from the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering program at Johns Hopkins University. My expertise lies in the field of bone tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. As a postdoctoral fellow, I want to work at the intersection of advanced imaging and computational biology, and understand how cell-cell/cell-material interactions and spatio-temporal gene regulation play a role in the context of diseases and tissue regeneration. Outside of lab, I like to run, hike, explore new places and cuisines.

    Vivien Jiang

    Vivien Jiang

    Undergraduate Student

    I am an undergraduate studying Biomedical Engineering with a concentration in Data Science. I am excited to learn more about how machine learning and mathematical models can be applied make inferences on the data that we have. In my free time, I like to read and play ping pong.



    Aspiring scientist

    Interested in joining us? Check out how. We look forward to meeting you!


    Gohta Aihara

    Gohta Aihara

    Post-Bacc Student

    Lab Member: Jan 27, 2023 - June 28, 2024

    Rabira Dosho

    Rabira Dosho

    Highschool Student

    Lab Member: July 3, 2023 - July 28, 2023

    Iris Kwon

    Iris Kwon

    Undergraduate Student

    Lab Member: May 22, 2023 - July 21, 2023

    Feiyang Huang

    Feiyang Huang

    Undergraduate Student

    Lab Member: September 1, 2021 - May 19, 2023

    Brendan Miller

    Brendan Miller

    Post-doctoral Fellow

    Lab Member: July 15, 2020 - April 14, 2023

    Nikita Sivakumar

    Nikita Sivakumar

    Rotation Student

    Lab Member: August 30, 2022 - October 21, 2022

    Vikram Shivakumar

    Vikram Shivakumar

    Rotation Student

    Lab Member: April 4, 2022 - June 3, 2022

    Arpan Sahoo

    Arpan Sahoo

    Undergraduate Student

    Lab Member: June 1, 2020 - May 20, 2022

    Irika Sinha

    Irika Sinha

    Rotation Student

    Lab Member: December 7, 2021 - March 10, 2022

    Jose Delgado

    Jose Delgado

    Undergraduate Student

    Lab Member: September 20, 2021 - December 8, 2021 (ICR Internship)

    Leela Mehta-Harwitz

    Leela Mehta-Harwitz

    Highschool Student

    Lab Member: June 22, 2021 - August 22, 2021


    Oluwatobi "Tobi" Adelaja

    Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow

    Lab Member: September 8, 2020 - March 26, 2021

    Catherine Lo

    Catherine Lo

    Highschool Student

    Lab Member: June 19, 2020 - November 9, 2020