Category HW1

Comparing Galr1 and Galr2 expression frequencies

This visualization compares the Galr1 and Galr2 expression frequencies across different brain areas. The expression frequencies are quantitative, computed by dividing the counts over the total RNA counts per cell....

Spatial distribution of expression of Ptpn4 in Visium dataset

I am visualizing quantitative data of spatial distribution of the expression level of the Ptpn4 gene in the Visium dataset.

Comparing tSNE and PCA in Visium Data

I am visualizing PC1 and PC2 from PCA in Visium Data as well as tSNE Dimension 1 in Visium. PC1, PC2, and tSNE Dimension 1 are all quantitative data.

Spatial Distribution of MERFISH RNA counts

I am visualizing the relationship between the position of cells in the MERFISH dataset (quantitative) and the total RNA counts per cell (quantitative).

Homework 1 Yash Sonthalia

I am making a visualization of the relationship between the spatial location (quantitative) and the expression (quantitative) of Aqp4, a common marker gene for astrocytes in the merfish dataset. The...

Homework1 Submission

Some descriptions for my display

Prevalence of Genes in MERFISH by Order of Magnitude

I am visualizing the genes in the MERFISH dataset proportioned by the number of cells expressing each gene, which is quantitative data.

Spatial Distribution of Microglia, Determined Using CX3CR1 Expression as a Proxy

For homework 1, I chose to visualize quantitative data regarding the levels of expression of CX3CR1 (a marker whose expression I am using as a proxy for the identification of...

Trends in Gad1 Expression in Visium Data

I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression level of the Gad1 gene, as well as ordinal data of the detection of the Gad1 gene, across spots in the Visium...

Category HW3

Homework 3 Yash Sonthalia

*I used some of Dr. Fan’s inclass plotting code as reference on running tSNE

Exploration of GFAP expression in Kmeans Clustering of MERFISH data

I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression level after TSNE embedding and kmeans clustering based on that in the MERFISH dataset.

Cells Expressing Gad1 in MERFISH Data Grouped by PCA

My multipanel visualization includes six individual plots. The origin of the data for all plots is the MERFISH dataset (42519 cells x 486 genes) which has been downsampled to 5000...

Different Ways to Visualize Structure for Visium Data

For all three images, I am visualizing the position of cells in the Visium Dataset, which is quantitative data. In image 1, I am also visualizing the Kmeans clustering grouping...

Identifying Dopaminergic Neurons Using the Expression of Robust Marker Th in a Spatially Resolved Manner

In Figure 1, I chose to visualize quantitative data regarding the levels of expression of Th (a marker whose expression I am using as a proxy for the identification of...

Category HW4

Visualization of Spatial Distribution of Mature Oligodendrocyte with Marker Genes

This code tries to find optimal k that clusters the gene so that one cluster has differential expression of marker gene. We need Oligo1, and Oligo2 to be highly expressed,...

Homework 4 Yash Sonthalia

Figure schema as follows: A) Top left B) Top right C) Bottom left D) Bottom right

Mature Oligodendrocytes in MERFISH Data Predicted by high Olig1 expression and low or no Pdgfra expression

Gene expression of 5000 cells was measured by MERFISH. Initially, populations were grouped by the first thirty principle components and visualized in two dimensions by tSNE. Two populations of cells...

Mature Oligodendrocytes in Visium data

```r library(ggplot2) library(scattermore)

Mature Oligodendrocytes in MERFISH data

```r library(ggplot2) library(scattermore)

Identifying Mature Oligodendrocytes Using the Canonical Marker Olig1

In Figure 1, I chose to visualize quantitative data regarding the levels of expression of Olig1 (a canonical marker endogenous to mature oligodendrocytes as well as oligodendrocyte precursor cells) across...

identify and visualize the spatial distribution of Mature Oligodendrocytes

My reasoning for why this specific group of cells stands for potentially mature oligodendrocytes:

Category EC

Investigating a Cell Type in MERFISH Dataset

We are given a spatial gene expression dataset with MERFISH technology. We will cluster the cells and try to identify a group of cells to understand their cell type based...

EC Yash Sonthalia

library(tidyverse) merfish=read.csv(‘/Users/yashsonthalia/Documents/JHUCourses/Spring2022/gdv_yash/data/MERFISH_Slice2Replicate2_halfcortex.csv.gz’) rownames(merfish)=merfish$X merfish$X=NULL x_coord=merfish$x y_coord=merfish$y merfish$x=NULL merfish$y=NULL

Identifying Interesting Cells By Spatial Transcriptomics

Expression of 483 genes has been measured in 42519 cells in a segment of brain tissue via MERFISH. Each cell position in the tissue sample has also been recorded. Fluorescence...

Identifying the Cell-type of a Random Cell Cluster

In Figure 1, I have plotted the spatial distribution of cells within our MERFISH data set, after down-sampling the data. I used the geometric primitive of points to represent single...

Category HW5

Visualization of a Spleen Tissue and is Identification

We are given a spatial protein expression dataset identify its originality. The figures shown above should be labeled A to G from left to right and from top to bottom....

Identifying Splenic Tissue By Spatial Proteomics

Expression of 28 proteins has been measured in 11512 spleen cells by fluorescence intensity. Each cell area and position in the tissue sample has also been recorded. Fluorescence intensity has...

Deciphering the Identity of a Biological Structure Using Proteomics Data

In Figure 1, I chose to visualize quantitative positional data regarding the spatial organization of cells within the proteomics data set. I used the geometric primitive of points to represent...

Analyze the CODEX dataset

I tried to plot the protein expression in clusters and spatial organizations side by side for better comparison. I noticed a large proportion of genes sequenced are immune cell marker...