
Creating RNA-velocity informed 2D embeddings for single cell transcriptomics

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Visualization using VeloViz

In this tutorial, we will compare the velocity-informed 2D embedding created by VeloViz to other commonly used embeddings. We will go through the workflow needed to generate the VeloViz visualization using the pancreas endocrinogenesis dataset as an example. We will also compare results with VeloViz and other embeddings when some intermediate cells in the developmental trajectory are missing.


Inputs to VeloViz are the scores in PCA space of the current and projected transcriptional states, which we get here by calculating RNA velocity using velocyto.
To get current and projected PC scores from raw counts, we first follow standard filtering, normalization, and dimensional reduction steps and then calculate velocity. (Steps 1-3 can be skipped by downloading the preprocessed example data from Zenodo - see 3*).


0.) Get Data:

#getting pancreas data from scVelo
scv = import("scvelo")
adata = scv$datasets$pancreas()

#extract spliced, unspliced counts
spliced <- as.matrix(Matrix::t(adata$layers['spliced']))
unspliced <- as.matrix(Matrix::t(adata$layers['unspliced']))
cells <- adata$obs_names$values
genes <- adata$var_names$values
colnames(spliced) <- colnames(unspliced) <- cells
rownames(spliced) <- rownames(unspliced) <- genes

clusters <- adata$obs$clusters
names(clusters) <- adata$obs_names$values

#subsample to make things faster
good.cells <- sample(cells, length(cells)/5)
spliced <- spliced[,good.cells]
unspliced <- unspliced[,good.cells]
clusters <- clusters[good.cells]


1.) Filter good genes

#keep genes with >10 total counts
good.genes = genes[rowSums(spliced) > 10 & rowSums(unspliced) > 10]
spliced = spliced[good.genes,]
unspliced = unspliced[good.genes,]


2.) Normalize

counts = spliced + unspliced # use combined spliced and unspliced counts
cpm = normalizeDepth(counts) # normalize to counts per million
lognorm = log10(varnorm + 1) # log normalize

3.) Reduce Dimensions
After filtering and normalizing, we reduce dimensions, and calculate cell-cell distance in PC space. This distance will be used to compute velocity.

#PCA on centered and scaled expression of overdispersed genes
pcs = reduceDimensions(lognorm, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, nPCs = 50)

#cell distance in PC space
cell.dist = as.dist(1-cor(t(pcs))) # cell distance in PC space

3*) Download preprocessed data from Zenodo.

# get pancreas scRNA-seq data
download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/4632471/files/pancreas.rda?download=1", destfile = "pancreas.rda", method = "curl")

spliced = pancreas$spliced
unspliced = pancreas$unspliced
clusters = pancreas$clusters
pcs = pancreas$pcs

#choose colors based on clusters for plotting later
cell.cols = rainbow(8)[as.numeric(clusters)]
names(cell.cols) = names(clusters)


4.) Calculate velocity
Next, we compute velocity from spliced and unspliced counts and cell-cell distances using velocyto. This will give us the current and projected transcriptional states.

#cell distance in PC space
cell.dist = as.dist(1-cor(t(pcs))) # cell distance in PC space

vel = gene.relative.velocity.estimates(spliced,
                                       kCells = 30,
                                       cell.dist = cell.dist,
                                       fit.quantile = 0.1)

#(or use precomputed velocity object)
# vel = pancreas$vel

5.) Normalize current and projected
Now that we have the current and projected expression, we want to go through a similar normalization process as we did with the raw counts and then reduce dimensions in PCA. Steps 5-7 can be done together using the buildVeloviz function (see 7*).

curr = vel$current
proj = vel$projected

#normalize depth
curr.norm = normalizeDepth(curr)
proj.norm = normalizeDepth(proj)

#variance stabilize current
curr.varnorm.info = normalizeVariance(curr.norm, details = TRUE)
curr.varnorm = curr.varnorm.info$matnorm

#use same model for projected
scale.factor = curr.varnorm.info$df$scale_factor #gene scale factors
names(scale.factor) = rownames(curr.varnorm.info$df)

m = proj.norm
rmean = Matrix::rowMeans(m) #row mean
sumx = Matrix::rowSums(m)
sumxx = Matrix::rowSums(m^2)
rsd = sqrt((sumxx - 2 * sumx * rmean + ncol(m) * rmean ^ 2) / (ncol(m)-1)) #row sd

proj.varnorm = proj.norm / rsd * scale.factor[names(rsd)]
proj.varnorm = proj.norm[rownames(curr.varnorm),]

6.) Project current and projected into PC space

#log normalize
curr.pca = log10(curr.varnorm + 1)
proj.pca = log10(proj.varnorm + 1)

#mean center
c.rmean = Matrix::rowMeans(curr.pca)
curr.pca = curr.pca - c.rmean
p.rmean = Matrix::rowMeans(proj.pca)
proj.pca = proj.pca - p.rmean

#scale variance
c.sumx = Matrix::rowSums(curr.pca)
c.sumxx = Matrix::rowSums(curr.pca^2)
c.rsd = sqrt((c.sumxx - 2*c.sumx*c.rmean + ncol(curr.pca)*c.rmean^2)/(ncol(curr.pca)-1))
curr.pca = curr.pca/c.rsd

p.sumx = Matrix::rowSums(proj.pca)
p.sumxx = Matrix::rowSums(proj.pca^2)
p.rsd = sqrt((p.sumxx - 2*p.sumx*p.rmean + ncol(proj.pca)*p.rmean^2)/(ncol(proj.pca)-1))
proj.pca = proj.pca/p.rsd

pca = RSpectra::svds(A = Matrix::t(curr.pca), k=20,
                     opts = list(
                       center = FALSE, ## already done
                       scale = FALSE, ## already done
                       maxitr = 2000,
                       tol = 1e-10))

#scores of current and projected
curr.scores = Matrix::t(curr.pca) %*% pca$v[,1:10]
proj.scores = Matrix::t(proj.pca) %*% pca$v[,1:10]


7.) Build graph using VeloViz
Now we can use the PC projections of the current and projected transcriptional states to build the VeloViz graph. To build the graph, we have to specify multiple parameters that control the features of the graph:
k: how many out-edges each cell can have
similarity_threshold: cosine similarity threshold specifying how similar the velocity and cell transition vectors have to be for an out-edge to be included
distance_weight: weight for distance component of composite distance - with large weights, graph will prioritize linking cells where projected states and neighbors are close in PC space; with small weights, graph will prioritize linking cells where velocity and cell transition vectors are most similar
distance_threshold: quantile threshold specifying minimum distance in PC space between projected state and neighbor for out-edge to be included - e.g. a distance threshold of 0.2 means that any edges where the distance component is not in the smallest 20% of distances in PC space will be removed from the graph
weighted: whether to use composite distance to determine graph edge weights (TRUE) or to assign all edges equal weights (FALSE)

#VeloViz graph parameters
k = 5
similarity.threshold = 0.25
distance.weight = 1
distance.threshold = 0.5
weighted = TRUE

#build graph
veloviz = graphViz(t(curr.scores), t(proj.scores), k,
                   distance_weight = distance.weight,
                   distance_threshold = distance.threshold,
                   weighted = weighted,
                   plot = FALSE,
                   return_graph = TRUE)

emb.veloviz = veloviz$fdg_coords
plotEmbedding(emb.veloviz, groups=clusters[rownames(emb.veloviz)], main='veloviz')

par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=rep(1,4))
g = plotVeloviz(veloviz, clusters=clusters[rownames(emb.veloviz)], seed=0, verbose=TRUE)

7*) Build VeloViz graph from current and projected using buildVeloviz

curr = vel$current
proj = vel$projected

veloviz = buildVeloviz(
  curr = curr, proj = proj,
  normalize.depth = TRUE,
  use.ods.genes = TRUE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  pca = TRUE,
  nPCs = 20,
  center = TRUE,
  scale = TRUE,
  k = 5,
  similarity.threshold = 0.25,
  distance.weight = 1,
  distance.threshold = 0.5,
  weighted = TRUE,
  seed = 0,
  verbose = FALSE

emb.veloviz = veloviz$fdg_coords
plotEmbedding(emb.veloviz, groups=clusters[rownames(emb.veloviz)], main='veloviz')

par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=rep(1,4))
g = plotVeloviz(veloviz, clusters=clusters[rownames(emb.veloviz)], seed=0, verbose=TRUE)

Compare to other embeddings

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

emb.pca = pcs[,1:2]
plotEmbedding(emb.pca, colors = cell.cols, main='PCA',
              xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")

emb.tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(pcs, perplexity=30)$Y
rownames(emb.tsne) = rownames(pcs)
plotEmbedding(emb.tsne, colors = cell.cols, main='tSNE',
              xlab = "t-SNE X", ylab = "t-SNE Y")

emb.umap = uwot::umap(pcs, min_dist = 0.5)
rownames(emb.umap) <- rownames(pcs)
plotEmbedding(emb.umap, colors = cell.cols, main='UMAP',
              xlab = "UMAP X", ylab = "UMAP Y")

plotEmbedding(emb.veloviz, colors = cell.cols[rownames(emb.veloviz)], main='veloviz')

Now let’s project velocity inferred from velocyto.R onto these embeddings.

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.pca), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1, do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='PCA')
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.tsne), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1,do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='tSNE')
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.umap), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1,do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='UMAP')
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.veloviz), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1,do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='VeloViz')

Visualization with missing intermediates using VeloViz

Download data with missing intermediates: this is the same dataset as above but missing a proportion of Ngn3 high EP cells

# get data
download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/4632471/files/pancreasWithGap.rda?download=1", destfile = "pancreasWithGap.rda", method = "curl")

spliced = pancreasWithGap$spliced
unspliced = pancreasWithGap$unspliced
clusters = pancreasWithGap$clusters
pcs = pancreasWithGap$pcs

#choose colors based on clusters for plotting later
cell.cols = rainbow(8)[as.numeric(clusters)]
names(cell.cols) = names(clusters)

Compute velocity

#cell distance in PC space
cell.dist = as.dist(1-cor(t(pcs))) # cell distance in PC space

vel = gene.relative.velocity.estimates(spliced,
                                       kCells = 30,
                                       cell.dist = cell.dist,
                                       fit.quantile = 0.1)

#(or use precomputed velocity object)
# vel = pancreasWithGap$vel

Create VeloViz embedding

curr = vel$current
proj = vel$projected

veloviz = buildVeloviz(
  curr = curr, proj = proj,
  normalize.depth = TRUE,
  use.ods.genes = TRUE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  pca = TRUE,
  nPCs = 20,
  center = TRUE,
  scale = TRUE,
  k = 5,
  similarity.threshold = 0.25,
  distance.weight = 1,
  distance.threshold = 0.5,
  weighted = TRUE,
  seed = 0,
  verbose = FALSE

emb.veloviz = veloviz$fdg_coords
plotEmbedding(emb.veloviz, groups=clusters[rownames(emb.veloviz)], main='veloviz')

par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=rep(1,4))
g = plotVeloviz(veloviz, clusters=clusters[rownames(emb.veloviz)], seed=0, verbose=TRUE)

Compare to other embeddings

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

emb.pca = pcs[,1:2]
plotEmbedding(emb.pca, colors = cell.cols, main='PCA')

emb.tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(pcs, perplexity=30)$Y
rownames(emb.tsne) = rownames(pcs)
plotEmbedding(emb.tsne, colors = cell.cols, main='tSNE',
              xlab = "t-SNE X", ylab = "t-SNE Y")

emb.umap = uwot::umap(pcs, min_dist = 0.5)
rownames(emb.umap) <- rownames(pcs)
plotEmbedding(emb.umap, colors = cell.cols, main='UMAP',
              xlab = "UMAP X", ylab = "UMAP Y")

plotEmbedding(emb.veloviz, colors = cell.cols[rownames(emb.veloviz)], main='veloviz')

Now let’s project velocity inferred from velocyto.R onto these embeddings.

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.pca), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1, do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='PCA')
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.tsne), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1,do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='tSNE')
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.umap), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1,do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='UMAP')
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(emb.veloviz), vel,
                               n = 50,
                               cex=1, arrow.scale=1, show.grid.flow=TRUE,
                               min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1,do.par = FALSE,
                               cell.colors=cell.cols, main='VeloViz')

Other tutorials

Getting Started
MERFISH cell cycle visualization using VeloViz
Understanding VeloViz parameters
Visualizing the VeloViz graph using UMAP
VeloViz with dynamic velocity estimates from scVelo