Mar 24, 2024

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  • Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis Of Xenium Lymph Node

    SEraster + MERINGUE identifies spatially variable genes in the human lymph node assayed by 10X Xenium spatial transcriptomics platform

    In this blog post, I will identify spatially variable genes in a spatial transcriptomic dataset with 377,985 cells in a section of human lymph node assayed by the 10X Xenium technology. In particular, I will use our recently developed tool SEraster to preprocess this dataset to make other analyses faster for our other previously published tool MERINGUE for characterizing spatially gene expression heterogeneity. For more details about SEraster, check out our bioRxiv preprint “SEraster: a rasterization preprocessing framework for scalable spatial omics data analysis”.

    Getting started with Single-Cell Resolution Spatial Transcriptomics Data from 10X Xenium

    Spatial transcriptomics refers to a set of technologies that allow us to measure how genes are expressed within thin tissue slices. One such technology, 10X Xenium, provides high single-cell resolution gene expression measurements for a targeted panel of genes. Let’s download a publicly available Xenium dataset of the human lymph node from the 10X website. Specifically, I will download the Xenium output bundle file and unzip its contents to my directory called dir.

    dir <- 'xenium_data/human-lymph-node-preview-data-xenium-human-multi-tissue-and-cancer-panel-1-standard/Xenium_V1_hLymphNode_nondiseased_section_outs/'

    Many of our analyses rely on knowing the single cell positions as well as the gene expression associated with each single cell. In this Xenium bundle, the single cell positions are stored in a cells.parquet file. I can read this parquet file using sparklyr.

    spark_session <- spark_connect(master = "local", version="3.5")
    parquet_data_spark <- spark_read_parquet(spark_session, name = "parquet_data", path = paste0(dir, 'cells.parquet')) <- collect(parquet_data_spark)
    ## # A tibble: 6 × 11
    ##   cell_idx_centroid y_centroid transcript_counts control_probe_counts
    ##   <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl><dbl>
    ## 1 aaaabaep-1   810.   853.250
    ## 2 aaaabhgn-1   813.   858.400
    ## 3 aaaabjel-1   811.   866.590
    ## 4 aaaaeadi-1   815.   843.   1530
    ## 5 aaaaggdm-1   815.   871.720
    ## 6 aaaajdkg-1   819.   863.630
    ## # ℹ 6 more variables: control_codeword_counts <dbl>,
    ## #   unassigned_codeword_counts <dbl>, deprecated_codeword_counts <dbl>,
    ## #   total_counts <dbl>, cell_area <dbl>, nucleus_area <dbl>

    Likewise, the gene expression information for each cell are stored in a sparse matrix representation in cell_feature_matrix.h5. We can read this .h5 file using rhdf5.

    ## BiocManager::install("rhdf5")
    h5file <- paste0(dir, "cell_feature_matrix.h5")
    ##     group  name   otype  dclass  dim
    ## 0   /matrix   H5I_GROUP 
    ## 1   /matrix  barcodes H5I_DATASET  STRING   377985
    ## 2   /matrix  data H5I_DATASET INTEGER 10683566
    ## 3   /matrix  features   H5I_GROUP 
    ## 4   /matrix/features _all_tag_keys H5I_DATASET  STRING1
    ## 5   /matrix/features  feature_type H5I_DATASET  STRING  541
    ## 6   /matrix/featuresgenome H5I_DATASET  STRING  541
    ## 7   /matrix/featuresid H5I_DATASET  STRING  541
    ## 8   /matrix/features  name H5I_DATASET  STRING  541
    ## 9   /matrix   indices H5I_DATASET INTEGER 10683566
    ## 10  /matrixindptr H5I_DATASET INTEGER   377986
    ## 11  /matrix shape H5I_DATASET INTEGER2
    h5 <- h5read(h5file, "matrix")
    barcodes <- as.character(h5read(h5file, "matrix/barcodes"))
    ## from
    counts <- sparseMatrix(
    	dims = h5$shape,
    	i = as.numeric(h5$indices),
    	p = as.numeric(h5$indptr),
    	x = as.numeric(h5$data),
    	index1 = FALSE
    colnames(counts) <- barcodes
    rownames(counts) <-[["features"]])$name
    ## 6 x 377985 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
    ##   [[ suppressing 34 column names 'aaaabaep-1', 'aaaabhgn-1', 'aaaabjel-1' ... ]]
    ## ABCC11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    ## ACE2   . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    ## ACKR1  . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . .
    ## ACTA2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 2 . . 4 . . 1 . . . . 9 1 . . .
    ## ACTG2  . . 1 2 2 . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 2 1 1 . . . 1 . 1 1 . . 1 3 1 . . .
    ## ADAM28 . 2 3 . 1 1 1 . 2 . 1 . . 1 1 . . 2 . . 2 . . . . 4 . . 1 . . . . .
    ## ABCC11 ......
    ## ACE2   ......
    ## ACKR1  ......
    ## ACTA2  ......
    ## ACTG2  ......
    ## ADAM28 ......
    ##  .....suppressing 377951 columns in show(); maybe adjust 'options(max.print= *, width = *)'
    ##  ..............................
    ## [1]541 377985

    Note, there are 541 targeted genes (including blank controls, etc) for 377,985 single cells in this dataset! Let’s visualize the cell positions and the total number of genes detected per cell using ggplot2.

    ggplot(data.frame(, totgexp=colSums(counts))) + 
    	geom_point(aes(x = x_centroid, y = y_centroid, col=totgexp), 
    	size=0.01, alpha=0.1) +
    	scale_color_gradient(low = 'lightgrey', high='red') + 
    	theme_minimal() + coord_fixed()

    Preprocessing with SEraster

    As we discuss in our SEraster preprint, analyzing such a large number of cells may be computationally demanding and slow. We also highlight how for certain analysis such as tissue-scale spatially variable gene detection, single-cell resolution analysis may not be needed to identify bonda fide spatially variable genes. So I will use SEraster to rasterize our 377,985 single cells into a smaller number of pixels as a preprocessing step to make later analyses much faster.

    SEraster takes SpatialExperiment objects as its input. So we will first create a SpatialExperiment object using the single cell positions and gene expression information we just read in.

    pos <- as.matrix(cbind($x_centroid,$y_centroid))
    rownames(pos) <-$cell_id
    se <- SpatialExperiment(
    	assays = list(counts = counts),
    	spatialCoords = pos[colnames(counts),]

    I’m now ready to use SEraster to aggregate cells into 100-unit resolution pixels, where the unit is defined by the units of the x,y spatial positions. I have the option to aggregate into square pixels (default) or hexagon; this particular choice doesn’t make much practical difference in the downstream analysis. But just for fun, I will set the default square parameter to FALSE so we create hexagon pixels.

    res <- 100
    t <- Sys.time() # Keep track of time
    rastGexp <- SEraster::rasterizeGeneExpression(se, 
    	resolution = res, 
    	n_threads = 1)
    Sys.time() - t 
    ## Time difference of 1.092733 mins
    ## [1] "SpatialExperiment"
    ## attr(,"package")
    ## [1] "SpatialExperiment"
    ## [1]  541 2053

    The output from SEraster is another SpatialExperiment object with 541 genes like before but now only 2053 pixels. Note, the default aggregation function used here is the mean. This helps ensure that our spatial variable gene expression analysis later is not confounded by cell density. So the outputted SpatialExperiment object contains spatial positions of 100-unit hexagon pixels where the value associated with each pixel is the average gene expression for all cells within that pixel. I can visualize the 100 unit hexagon pixels and the average total number of genes detected for all cells within each pixel.


    Identifying spatially variable genes with MERINGUE

    I will use our previously developed tool MERINGUE to run Moran’s I, a statistic of spatial autocorrelation in order to identify spatially variable genes on the rasterized gene expression. To assist with this, I will pull out the pixel positions and the pixel gene expression values.

    rastpos <- spatialCoords(rastGexp)
    pixelval <- assay(rastGexp, 'pixelval')
    # Make adjacency weight matrix based on Voronoi tessellation
    w <- MERINGUE::getSpatialNeighbors(rastpos, filterDist = res)
    # Identify sigificantly spatially auto-correlated genes
    t <- Sys.time() # Keep track of time
    I <- getSpatialPatterns(pixelval, w)
    Sys.time() - t 
    ## Time difference of 19.20412 secs
    table(I$p.adj < 0.05)
    ## FALSE  TRUE 
    ##   256   283

    Neat! I was able to identify 283 spatially variable genes distinguished from 256 non-spatially variable genes. As we note in our publication “Characterizing spatial gene expression heterogeneity in spatially resolved single-cell transcriptomic data with nonuniform cellular densities”, not all spatial patterns are equal. So I will use MERINGUE to evaluate Local Indicators of Spatial Autocorrelation to quantify the percentage of cells driving each spatial pattern.

    Isub <- MERINGUE::filterSpatialPatterns(
    	I, w, 
    	details = TRUE
    ## Number of significantly autocorrelated genes: 283
    ## ...driven by > 102.65 cells: 127
    ##         observed  expected sd p.value p.adj minPercentCells
    ## ACTA2   0.3967846 -0.0004873294 0.01782539   0 0  0.05455431
    ## ACTG2   0.2075803 -0.0004873294 0.01778370   0 0  0.08913785
    ## ADAM28  0.5391287 -0.0004873294 0.01918476   0 0  0.23721383
    ## ADAMTS1 0.3845269 -0.0004873294 0.01885272   0 0  0.05747686
    ## AIF1    0.3613689 -0.0004873294 0.01891281   0 0  0.06721870
    ## APOLD1  0.4270495 -0.0004873294 0.01882642   0 0  0.06527034

    Now let’s visualize a significant spatially variable gene driven by a large percentage of cells.

    head(Isub[order(Isub$minPercentCells, decreasing=TRUE),])
    ##        observed  expected sd p.value p.adj minPercentCells
    ## BANK1  0.6532180 -0.0004873294 0.01919515   0 0   0.2698490
    ## MS4A1  0.7164515 -0.0004873294 0.01919513   0 0   0.2698490
    ## IL7R   0.6567263 -0.0004873294 0.01918294   0 0   0.2489040
    ## CD19   0.5990818 -0.0004873294 0.01917779   0 0   0.2435460
    ## ADAM28 0.5391287 -0.0004873294 0.01918476   0 0   0.2372138
    ## MEF2C  0.5813312 -0.0004873294 0.01918426   0 0   0.2347784
    # plot
    g <- "BANK1"
    SEraster::plotRaster(rastGexp, feature_name = g, name = g)

    I can also visualize this gene back in single-cell resolution to visually confirm that it is indeed spatially variable at the single-cell level.

    ggplot(data.frame(, gexp=counts[g,])) + 
    	geom_point(aes(x = x_centroid, y = y_centroid, col=gexp), 
    	size=0.01, alpha=0.1) +
    	scale_color_gradient(low = 'lightgrey', high='red') + 
    	theme_minimal() + ggtitle(g) + coord_fixed()

    Now let’s visualize a significant spatially variable gene driven by a small percentage of cells.

    tail(Isub[order(Isub$minPercentCells, decreasing=TRUE),])
    ##            observed  expected sd p.valuep.adj
    ## MYLK       0.3648212 -0.0004873294 0.01706669 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
    ## SPI1       0.1757212 -0.0004873294 0.01881442 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
    ## BLANK_0430 0.1030032 -0.0004873294 0.01822962 6.85179e-09 1.784113e-08
    ## FHL2       0.5362576 -0.0004873294 0.01878494 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
    ## MEDAG      0.1899604 -0.0004873294 0.01847228 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
    ## MS4A4A     0.2325703 -0.0004873294 0.01586166 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
    ##            minPercentCells
    ## MYLK       0.05114467
    ## SPI1       0.05065757
    ## BLANK_0430 0.05065757
    ## FHL2       0.05017048
    ## MEDAG      0.05017048
    ## MS4A4A     0.05017048
    # plot
    g <- "MYLK"
    SEraster::plotRaster(rastGexp, feature_name = g, name = g)

    Indeed, this spatial gene expression pattern seems to be driven by a small cluster of pixels in the top left corner of the tissue. Again, I can also visualize this gene back in single-cell resolution.

    ggplot(data.frame(, gexp=counts[g,])) + 
    	geom_point(aes(x = x_centroid, y = y_centroid, col=gexp), 
    	size=0.01, alpha=1) +
    	scale_color_gradient(low = 'lightgrey', high='red') + 
    	theme_minimal() + ggtitle(g) + coord_fixed()

    Finally, let’s look at a non-spatially variable gene.

    Inonsig <- I[I$p.adj>0.05,]
    head(Inonsig[order(Inonsig$observed, decreasing=TRUE),])
    ##        observed  expected sdp.value  p.adj
    ## UPK3B  0.03554548 -0.0004873294 0.01902764 0.02913183 0.05528892
    ## HEMGN  0.03225268 -0.0004873294 0.01742316 0.03011485 0.05695406
    ## CCDC78 0.03186478 -0.0004873294 0.01770929 0.03386167 0.06359387
    ## AHSP   0.03155898 -0.0004873294 0.01723406 0.03147991 0.05932753
    ## CDH16  0.03032911 -0.0004873294 0.01882861 0.05084850 0.09386075
    ## GATM   0.02989805 -0.0004873294 0.01668786 0.03431804 0.06422717

    Indeed, at pixel resolution, this gene looks spatially quite random.

    # plot
    g <- "UPK3B"
    SEraster::plotRaster(rastGexp, feature_name = g, name = g)

    At single-cell resolution, this gene indeed looks spatially quite random but it is also quite sparsely expressed, making any pattern or lack of pattern difficult to discern.

    ggplot(data.frame(, gexp=counts[g,])) + 
    	geom_point(aes(x = x_centroid, y = y_centroid, col=gexp), 
    	size=0.01, alpha=1) +
    	scale_color_gradient(low = 'lightgrey', high='red') + 
    	theme_minimal() + ggtitle(g) + coord_fixed()

    Try it out for yourself!