Creating RNA-velocity informed 2D embeddings for single cell transcriptomics
In this vignette, we will create a velocity-informed 2D embedding of pancreas development scRNAseq using VeloViz. We will use dynamic velocity estimated using scVelo to construct the VeloViz embedding and we will also use scVelo’s velocity streams to illustrate velocity on the embedding. To do this in R, we will make use of the reticulate package (see this tutorial for a quick primer).
This data is available with the scVelo package (Bergen et. al. Nature Biotech, 2020, Bastidas-Ponce et. al. Development, 2019).
First, load pancreas data from scVelo package and extract the relevant meta data that we’ll need later.
adata = scv$datasets$pancreas()
#gene and cell names
genes <- adata$var_names$values
cells <- adata$obs_names$values
#cell type assignments
clusters <- adata$obs$clusters
names(clusters) <- cells
col = rev(plasma(length(levels(clusters))))
cell.cols = col[clusters]
names(cell.cols) = names(clusters)
Now, we compute velocity by dynamical modeling.
## run scvelo dynamic model
scv$pp$filter_genes(adata) ## filter
scv$pp$moments(adata) ## normalize and compute moments
scv$tl$recover_dynamics(adata) ## model
scv$tl$velocity(adata, mode='dynamical')
To construct the VeloViz embedding we need the current observed expression and the predicted future expression. We can calculate the predicted future expression from the current observed expression and the velocity.
#get velocity
vel <- adata$layers[['velocity']]
colnames(vel) <- genes
rownames(vel) <- cells
vel.genes <- genes[colSums(vel, na.rm=T)>0]
vel <- vel[,vel.genes]
#get current
curr <- adata$X
colnames(curr) <- genes
rownames(curr) <- cells
curr <- as.matrix(curr)[,vel.genes]
curr <- t(curr)
#compute projected
proj <- curr + t(vel)
proj[proj<0] <- 0
veloviz = buildVeloviz(
curr = curr, proj = proj,
normalize.depth = TRUE,
use.ods.genes = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05,
pca = TRUE,
nPCs = 20,
center = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
k = 20,
similarity.threshold = 0.2,
distance.weight = 1,
distance.threshold = 1,
weighted = TRUE,
seed = 0,
verbose = FALSE
emb.veloviz <- veloviz$fdg_coords
plotEmbedding(emb.veloviz, colors = cell.cols[rownames(emb.veloviz)], main='VeloViz with dynamical velocity',
xlab = "VeloViz X", ylab = "VeloViz Y",
alpha = 0.8,
cex.lab = 1.5)
a.plot <- adata
#remove unconnected cells from anndata object
connected.cells <- rownames(emb.veloviz)
a.plot.vv <- a.plot[a.plot$obs_names$isin(connected.cells)]
a.plot.vv$obsm$update("X_veloviz1" = emb.veloviz)
#get colors
plot.cols = unique(cell.cols)
c = unlist(sapply(c(1:length(col)), function(x) which(plot.cols == col[x])))
plot.cols = plot.cols[c]
#plotting params
pt.size = 50
dnsty = 0.7
plt.size = c(3.5,3.5)
scv$pl$velocity_embedding_stream(a.plot.vv, basis='veloviz1',
density = 0.8, cutoff_perc = 0, n_neighbors = 20L, title = "",legend_fontoutline = 2,
size = 50, alpha = 0.6, legend_fontsize = 12, linewidth = 1.5,
show = FALSE, figsize = c(5,5), palette = plot.cols) #, legend_loc = "lower left")
# plt$show()
adata <- scv$datasets$pancreas()
#gene and cell names
genes <- adata$var_names$values
cells <- adata$obs_names$values
#cell type assignments
clusters <- adata$obs$clusters
names(clusters) <- cells
col <- rev(plasma(length(levels(clusters))))
cell.cols = col[clusters]
names(cell.cols) = names(clusters)
adata.missing <- adata[adata$obs$clusters != "Pre-endocrine"]
cells <- cells[adata$obs$clusters != "Pre-endocrine"]
Now, we re-compute velocity by dynamical modeling.
## run scvelo dynamic model
scv$pp$filter_genes(adata.missing) ## filter
scv$pp$moments(adata.missing) ## normalize and compute moments
scv$tl$recover_dynamics(adata.missing) ## model
scv$tl$velocity(adata.missing, mode='dynamical')
#get velocity
vel <- adata.missing$layers[['velocity']]
colnames(vel) <- genes
rownames(vel) <- cells
vel.genes <- genes[colSums(vel, na.rm=T)>0]
vel <- vel[,vel.genes]
#get current
curr <- adata.missing$X
colnames(curr) <- genes
rownames(curr) <- cells
curr <- as.matrix(curr)[,vel.genes]
curr <- t(curr)
#compute projected
proj <- curr + t(vel)
proj[proj<0] <- 0
veloviz = buildVeloviz(
curr = curr, proj = proj,
normalize.depth = TRUE,
use.ods.genes = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05,
pca = TRUE,
nPCs = 20,
center = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
k = 20,
similarity.threshold = 0.2,
distance.weight = 1,
distance.threshold = 1,
weighted = TRUE,
seed = 0,
verbose = FALSE
emb.veloviz <- veloviz$fdg_coords
plotEmbedding(emb.veloviz, colors = cell.cols[rownames(emb.veloviz)], main='VeloViz with dynamical velocity',
xlab = "VeloViz X", ylab = "VeloViz Y",
alpha = 0.8,
cex.lab = 1.5)
a.plot <- adata.missing
#remove unconnected cells from anndata object
connected.cells <- rownames(emb.veloviz)
a.plot.vv <- a.plot[a.plot$obs_names$isin(connected.cells)]
a.plot.vv$obsm$update("X_veloviz1" = emb.veloviz)
#get colors
plot.cols = unique(cell.cols)
c = unlist(sapply(c(1:length(col)), function(x) which(plot.cols == col[x])))
plot.cols = plot.cols[c]
#plotting params
pt.size = 50
dnsty = 0.7
plt.size = c(3.5,3.5)
scv$pl$velocity_embedding_stream(a.plot.vv, basis='veloviz1',
density = 0.8, cutoff_perc = 0, n_neighbors = 20L, title = "",legend_fontoutline = 2,
size = 50, alpha = 0.6, legend_fontsize = 12, linewidth = 1.5,
show = FALSE, figsize = c(5,5), palette = plot.cols) #, legend_loc = "lower left")
# plt$show()
Getting Started
scRNA-seq data preprocessing and visualization using VeloViz
MERFISH cell cycle visualization using VeloViz
Understanding VeloViz parameters
Visualizing the VeloViz graph using UMAP