Aug 20, 2023

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  • Aligning single-cell spatial transcriptomics datasets simulated with non-linear disortions

    In this blog post, I will use our recently developed tool STalign to align two single-cell resolution spatial transcriptomic datasets of coronal sections of the mouse brain assayed by MERFISH and provided by Vizgen.


    As we’ve explored in a previous blog post, spatial transcriptomics (ST) allow us to measure how genes are expressed within thin tissue slices. Particularly as we begin applying ST to tissues like brain, kidney, heart, and so forth in both healthy and diseased settings, we may be interested in comparing gene expression and cell-type compositional differences at matched spatial locations within similar tissue structures. Such spatial comparisons demand alignment of these ST datasets.

    As described in our recently updated bioRxiv preprint, such spatial comparisons are challenging because of both technical challenges such as in sample collection, where the experimental process may induce tissue warps and other structural distortions but also biological variation such as natural inter-individual tissue structural differences.

    Here, I will simulate an ST dataset of a brain tissue section that has been warped during the experimental data collection process and evaluate how well STalign is able to align it to the original un-warped brain tissue section. A successful alignment should recover the original cell positions within some reasonable amount of error.


    I have already installed STalign using the tutorials available on our Github repo: I am using a jupyter notebook to run STalign. A copy of this notebook is available here for you to follow along and also modify as you explore for yourself: merfish-merfish-alignment-simulation.ipynb

    # import STalign
    from STalign import STalign

    On our STalign Github repo, we have already downloaded single cell spatial transcriptomics datasets assayed by MERFISH and provided by Vizgen and placed the files in a folder called merfish_data.

    Clone the repo or just download the relevant file (datasets_mouse_brain_map_BrainReceptorShowcase_Slice2_Replicate3_cell_metadata_S2R3.csv.gz) so you can read in the cell information for the first dataset using pandas as pd.

    import pandas as pd
    # Single cell data 1
    # read in data
    fname = '../merfish_data/datasets_mouse_brain_map_BrainReceptorShowcase_Slice2_Replicate3_cell_metadata_S2R3.csv.gz'
    df1 = pd.read_csv(fname)
                                    Unnamed: 0  fov       volume    center_x   
    0  158338042824236264719696604356349910479   33   532.778772  617.916619  \
    1  260594727341160372355976405428092853003   33  1004.430016  596.808018   
    2  307643940700812339199503248604719950662   33  1267.183208  578.880018   
    3   30863303465976316429997331474071348973   33  1403.401822  572.616017   
    4  313162718584097621688679244357302162401   33   507.949497  608.364018   
          center_y       min_x       max_x        min_y        max_y  
    0  2666.520010  614.725219  621.108019  2657.545209  2675.494810  
    1  2763.450012  589.669218  603.946818  2757.013212  2769.886812  
    2  2748.978012  570.877217  586.882818  2740.489211  2757.466812  
    3  2766.690012  564.937217  580.294818  2756.581212  2776.798812  
    4  2687.418010  603.061218  613.666818  2682.493210  2692.342810  

    For alignment with STalign, we only need the cell centroid information so we can pull out this information. We can further visualize the cell centroids to get a sense of the variation in cell density that we will be relying on for our alignment by plotting using matplotlib.pyplot as plt.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    # make plots bigger
    plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12,10)
    # get cell centroid coordinates
    xI0 = np.array(df1['center_x'])
    yI0 = np.array(df1['center_y'])
    # plot
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(xI0,yI0,s=1,alpha=0.2, label='source init')
    ax.legend(markerscale = 10)
    <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14ce09190>

    Now let’s warp the cell coordinates as if we had squished the tissue during the experimental data collection process. If you are curious whether such simulated warps are realistic, think about how tissues are inherently 3D so in order to make these thin, effectively 2D tissue sections, we need to make slices (typically via a technique called cryosectioning). And in making these slices, we may squish the tissue or even cause tears! In this simulation, we will focus on simulation a scenario where the tissue and all the cell positions get squished a little in both the x and y direction.

    # warp
    xI = pow(xI0,1.25)/10+500
    yI = pow(yI0,1.25)/10+500
    # plot
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(xI,yI,s=1,alpha=0.2, label='source warped')
    ax.legend(markerscale = 10)
    <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14d75f400>

    Now let’s say we have a second ST dataset of the same tissue. In this case, we will just use the original cell coordinates for this second ST dataset.

    This represents, in my opinion, a somewhat overly idealistic scenario since, in reality, two real ST datasets will never have perfect single-cell resolution correspondence. This is because real ST datasets can come from different individuals/animals with their own biological variation. Real ST datasets can also come from serial sections of the same tissue block from the same individual/animal but even in that case, there is still generally not a perfect one-to-one match for every cell at every location across the tissue (particularly for mamallian tissues). But let’s try it anyway.

    # Single cell data 1
    # just original coordinates
    xJ = xI0
    yJ = yI0
    # plot
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(xJ,yJ,s=1,alpha=0.2,c='#ff7f0e', label='target')
    ax.legend(markerscale = 10)
    <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14d7e5e50>

    Now that’s see what our two ST datasets look like when they are overlayed. As you might expect, linear “affine” adjustments such as rotations and translations will not be sufficient to align these two ST datasets. A non-linear alignment is needed due to our induced non-linear warping.

    # plot
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(xI,yI,s=1,alpha=0.2, label='source warped')
    ax.scatter(xJ,yJ,s=1,alpha=0.1, label= 'target')
    ax.legend(markerscale = 10)
    <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14d77f4c0>

    Again, ST gives us not only positions of cells but also what genes these cells express. From these gene expression information, we may also infer cell-types. We may be interested in asking questions about how cells within a particular small spatial region of the tissue compare in terms of their gene expression or cell-type identity across these two ST datasets. In order to ask such questions, we need to perform spatial alignment in order to compare apples to apples.

    Performing spatial alignment with STalign

    So we will use STalign to align these two ST datasets using image varifolds and diffeomorphic metric mapping. I encourage you to check out the Online Methods section of our bioRxiv preprint if you are interested in learning more about how this is done methodologically speaking. For now, let’s just focus on running STalign. We will start with rasterizing the ST datasets.

    # rasterize at 15um resolution (assuming positions are in um units) and plot
    XI,YI,I,fig = STalign.rasterize(xI,yI,dx=15,blur=1.5)
    # plot
    ax = fig.axes[0]
    0 of 85958
    10000 of 85958
    20000 of 85958
    30000 of 85958
    40000 of 85958
    50000 of 85958
    60000 of 85958
    70000 of 85958
    80000 of 85958
    85957 of 85958

    Repeat rasterization for target dataset.

    # rasterize and plot
    XJ,YJ,J,fig = STalign.rasterize(xJ,yJ,dx=15, blur=1.5)
    ax = fig.axes[0]
    0 of 85958
    10000 of 85958
    20000 of 85958
    30000 of 85958
    40000 of 85958
    50000 of 85958
    60000 of 85958
    70000 of 85958
    80000 of 85958
    85957 of 85958

    We can also plot the rasterized images next to each other.

    # get extent of images
    extentI = STalign.extent_from_x((YI,XI))
    extentJ = STalign.extent_from_x((YJ,XJ))
    # plot rasterized images
    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
    ax[0].imshow(I[0], extent=extentI) 
    ax[1].imshow(J[0], extent=extentJ)

    Now we will perform our alignment. There are many parameters that can be tuned for performing this alignment. If we don’t specify parameters, defaults will be used.

    # run LDDMM
    # keep all other parameters default
    params = {
                'niter': 1000
    out = STalign.LDDMM([YI,XI],I,[YJ,XJ],J,**params)
    CPU times: user 3min 47s, sys: 2min 13s, total: 6min
    Wall time: 3min 11s

    I am running this on my Macbook laptop using the CPU. This alignment would be much faster on the GPU but not everyone may have access to such GPU computers. We can still complete an alignment with STalign in a reasonable amount of time on the CPU (with “reasonable” defined as the time it takes for me to make a cup of tea ;P). In this case, it takes < 5 minutes to run 1000 iterations with the default step sizes and other settings.

    # get necessary output variables
    A = out[0]
    v = out[1]
    xv = out[2]

    STalign has learned a diffeomorphic mapping needed to align the two image representations of the ST datasets. Given this, we can now apply our learned transform to the original sets of single cell centroid positions to achieve their new aligned positions.

    # apply transform to original points
    tpointsI= STalign.transform_points_atlas_to_target(xv,v,A, np.stack([yI, xI], 1))
    # switch from row column coordinates (y,x) to (x,y)
    xI_LDDMM = np.array(tpointsI[:,1])
    yI_LDDMM = np.array(tpointsI[:,0])

    Now that’s see what our two ST datasets look like when they are overlayed after the warped ST dataset has been aligned.

    # plot results
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    #ax.scatter(xI,yI,s=1,alpha=0.1, label='source')
    ax.scatter(xI_LDDMM,yI_LDDMM,s=1,alpha=0.1, label = 'source warped aligned')
    ax.scatter(xJ,yJ,s=1,alpha=0.1, label='target')
    ax.legend(markerscale = 10)
    <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14d331f40>

    We can also compare before and after alignment side by side. Looks pretty good! The cell positions in the two ST datasets effectively overlap!

    plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12,5)
    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
    ax[0].scatter(xI,yI,s=0.5,alpha=0.1, label='source warped')
    ax[0].scatter(xJ,yJ,s=0.5,alpha=0.1, label='target')
    ax[1].scatter(xI_LDDMM,yI_LDDMM,s=0.5,alpha=0.1, label = 'source warped aligned') 
    ax[1].scatter(xJ,yJ,s=0.5,alpha=0.1, label='target')
    ax[0].legend(markerscale = 10, loc = 'lower left')
    ax[1].legend(markerscale = 10, loc = 'lower left')
    <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14dc77e80>

    Evaluating performance

    Let’s quantify performance beyond just visual inspection. How far off are our aligned cell coordinates compared to the original? A successful alignment should effectively recover the original cell coordinates before warping within some reasonable error range. Let’s calculate a mean-squared-error between the coordinates before and after alignment.

    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
    err_init = mean_squared_error([xI0, yI0], [xI, yI], squared=False)
    err_aligned = mean_squared_error([xI0, yI0], [xI_LDDMM, yI_LDDMM], squared=False)

    Note these units are in microns. We are effectively on average within 1 cell (10 microns) away from the true original cell positions. Given that we aligned with dx=15 or 15 micron resolution, this is a reasonable degree of error. Such error may be further decreased with longer iterations or stricter penalties for mismatching. However, this exploration will be left as an exercise for the reader.

    Try it out for yourself!

    • What happens if you run for more iterations? What about 2000 iterations? What if you change the default parameters to have larger step sizes, etc?
    • What happens if you warp the data in other ways?
    • What happens if you try a different dataset?
    • What happens if you use this simulation approach to compare to other methods?