Animating RNA velocity with moving arrows
In my previous blog post, I discussed how we can use animations to enhance our data visualizations and tell stories about our data. Here, I wanted to use animation to potentially further enhance the visualizations of cellular trajectories.
Recently, my lab published a method called VeloViz
in Oxford Bioinformatics that integrates information regarding each cell’s predicted future transcriptional state inferred from RNA velocity analysis to create 2D and 3D embeddings of single cell transcriptomics data to visualize cellular trajectories. In our paper, we show how by taking into account the predicted future transcriptional states of cells from RNA velocity analysis, VeloViz can help visualize a more reliable representation of underlying cellular trajectories even when intermediate cell states may be missing. Following the VeloViz analysis tutorial for visualizing cellular trajectories, I obtained the 2D embedding of a pancreas endocrinogenesis dataset with missing intermediate cell states using UMAP and VeloViz.
I then changed a few lines of code in the show.velocity.on.embedding.cor()
function of the velocyto.R
package to allow me to represent each cell as a colored arrow (where color represents the cell’s cell-type in this case) going from its observed transcriptional state to its projected predicted future transcriptional state inferred from RNA velocity analysis. I then used the animation
package to animate the arrows.
Perhaps some additional opacity tinkering, size of arrow heads, or other features could be helpful. Try it out for yourself and see what you think!
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor2 <- function (emb, vel, n = 100, cell.colors = NULL, corr.sigma = 0.05,
show.grid.flow = FALSE, grid.n = 20, = NULL, min.grid.cell.mass = 1,
min.arrow.size = NULL, arrow.scale = 1, max.grid.arrow.length = NULL,
fixed.arrow.length = FALSE, plot.grid.points = FALSE, scale = "log",
nPcs = NA, arrow.lwd = 1, arrow.alpha = 0.5, xlab = "", ylab = "", n.cores = velocyto.R:::defaultNCores(),
do.par = T, show.cell = NULL, cell.border.alpha = 0.3, cc = NULL,
return.details = FALSE, expression.scaling = FALSE, ...)
randomize <- FALSE
if (do.par)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5), mgp = c(2,
0.65, 0), cex = 0.85)
celcol <- "white"
if (is.null(show.cell)) {
celcol <- cell.colors[rownames(emb)]
plot(emb, bg = celcol, pch = 21, col = ac(1, alpha = cell.border.alpha),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
em <- as.matrix(vel$current)
ccells <- intersect(rownames(emb), colnames(em))
em <- em[, ccells]
emb <- emb[ccells, ]
nd <- as.matrix(vel$deltaE[, ccells])
cgenes <- intersect(rownames(em), rownames(nd))
nd <- nd[cgenes, ]
em <- em[cgenes, ]
if (randomize) {
nd <- t(apply(nd, 1, function(x) (rbinom(length(x), 1,
0.5) * 2 - 1) * abs(sample(x))))
if (is.null(cc)) {
cat("delta projections ... ")
if (scale == "log") {
cat("log ")
cc <- velocyto.R:::colDeltaCorLog10(em, (log10(abs(nd) + 1) *
sign(nd)), nthreads = n.cores)
else if (scale == "sqrt") {
cat("sqrt ")
cc <- velocyto.R:::colDeltaCorSqrt(em, (sqrt(abs(nd)) * sign(nd)),
nthreads = n.cores)
else if (scale == "rank") {
cat("rank ")
cc <- velocyto.R:::colDeltaCor((apply(em, 2, rank)), (apply(nd,
2, rank)), nthreads = n.cores)
else {
cat("linear ")
cc <- velocyto.R:::colDeltaCor(em, nd, nthreads = n.cores)
colnames(cc) <- rownames(cc) <- colnames(em)
diag(cc) <- 0
cat("knn ... ")
if (n > nrow(cc)) {
n <- nrow(cc)
emb.knn <- velocyto.R:::balancedKNN(t(emb), k = n, maxl = nrow(emb), dist = "euclidean",
n.threads = n.cores)
diag(emb.knn) <- 1
cat("transition probs ... ")
tp <- exp(cc/corr.sigma) * emb.knn
tp <- t(t(tp)/Matrix::colSums(tp))
tp <- as(tp, "dgCMatrix")
if (!is.null(show.cell)) {
i <- match(show.cell, rownames(emb))
if (
stop(paste("specified cell", i, "is not in the embedding"))
points(emb, pch = 19, col = ac(val2col(tp[rownames(emb),
show.cell], gradient.range.quantile = 1), alpha = 0.5))
points(emb[show.cell, 1], emb[show.cell, 2], pch = 3,
cex = 1, col = 1)
di <- t(t(emb) - emb[i, ])
di <- di/sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(di^2)) * arrow.scale
di[i, ] <- 0
dir <- Matrix::colSums(di * tp[, i])
dic <- Matrix::colSums(di * (tp[, i] > 0)/sum(tp[, i] >
dia <- dir - dic
suppressWarnings(arrows(emb[colnames(em)[i], 1], emb[colnames(em)[i],
2], emb[colnames(em)[i], 1] + dic[1], emb[colnames(em)[i],
2] + dic[2], length = 0.05, lwd = 1, col = "blue"))
suppressWarnings(arrows(emb[colnames(em)[i], 1], emb[colnames(em)[i],
2], emb[colnames(em)[i], 1] + dir[1], emb[colnames(em)[i],
2] + dir[2], length = 0.05, lwd = 1, col = "red"))
suppressWarnings(arrows(emb[colnames(em)[i], 1] + dic[1],
emb[colnames(em)[i], 2] + dic[2], emb[colnames(em)[i],
1] + dir[1], emb[colnames(em)[i], 2] + dir[2],
length = 0.05, lwd = 1, lty = 1, col = "grey50"))
suppressWarnings(arrows(emb[colnames(em)[i], 1], emb[colnames(em)[i],
2], emb[colnames(em)[i], 1] + dia[1], emb[colnames(em)[i],
2] + dia[2], length = 0.05, lwd = 1, col = "black"))
else {
cat("calculating arrows ... ")
arsd <- data.frame(t(velocyto.R:::embArrows(emb, tp, arrow.scale,
rownames(arsd) <- rownames(emb)
if (expression.scaling) {
tpb <- tp > 0
tpb <- t(t(tpb)/colSums(tpb))
es <- as.matrix(em %*% tp) - as.matrix(em %*% as.matrix(tpb))
pl <- pmin(1, pmax(0, apply(as.matrix(vel$deltaE[,
colnames(es)]) * es, 2, sum)/sqrt(colSums(es *
arsd <- arsd * pl
ars <- data.frame(cbind(emb, emb + arsd))
colnames(ars) <- c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1")
colnames(arsd) <- c("xd", "yd")
rownames(ars) <- rownames(emb)
ars$col <- celcol
if (show.grid.flow) {
cat("grid estimates ... ")
rx <- range(c(range(ars$x0), range(ars$x1)))
ry <- range(c(range(ars$y0), range(ars$y1)))
gx <- seq(rx[1], rx[2], length.out = grid.n)
gy <- seq(ry[1], ry[2], length.out = grid.n)
if (is.null( { <- sqrt((gx[2] - gx[1])^2 + (gy[2] -
cat("",, " ")
if (is.null(min.arrow.size)) {
min.arrow.size <- sqrt((gx[2] - gx[1])^2 + (gy[2] -
gy[1])^2) * 0.01
cat("min.arrow.size=", min.arrow.size, " ")
if (is.null(max.grid.arrow.length)) {
max.grid.arrow.length <- sqrt(sum((par("pin")/c(length(gx),
length(gy)))^2)) * 0.25
cat("max.grid.arrow.length=", max.grid.arrow.length,
" ")
garrows <-, lapply(gx, function(x) {
cd <- sqrt(outer(emb[, 2], -gy, "+")^2 + (x -
emb[, 1])^2)
cw <- dnorm(cd, sd =
gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
cws <- pmax(1, Matrix::colSums(cw))
gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw * arsd$xd)/cws
gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw * arsd$yd)/cws
al <- sqrt(gxd^2 + gyd^2)
vg <- gw >= min.grid.cell.mass & al >= min.arrow.size
cbind(rep(x, sum(vg)), gy[vg], x + gxd[vg], gy[vg] +
colnames(garrows) <- c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1")
if (fixed.arrow.length) {
suppressWarnings(arrows(garrows[, 1], garrows[,
2], garrows[, 3], garrows[, 4], length = 0.05,
lwd = arrow.lwd))
else {
alen <- pmin(max.grid.arrow.length, sqrt(((garrows[,
3] - garrows[, 1]) * par("pin")[1]/diff(par("usr")[c(1,
2)]))^2 + ((garrows[, 4] - garrows[, 2]) *
par("pin")[2]/diff(par("usr")[c(3, 4)]))^2))
suppressWarnings(lapply(1:nrow(garrows), function(i) arrows(garrows[i,
1], garrows[i, 2], garrows[i, 3], garrows[i,
4], length = alen[i], lwd = arrow.lwd, col=celcol[i])))
if (plot.grid.points)
points(rep(gx, each = length(gy)), rep(gy, length(gx)),
pch = ".", cex = 0.1, col = ac(1, alpha = 0.4))
if (return.details) {
cat("expression shifts .") <- switch(scale, log = 2, sqrt = 3,
if (!expression.scaling) {
tpb <- tp > 0
tpb <- t(t(tpb)/colSums(tpb))
es <- as.matrix(em %*% tp) - as.matrix(em %*%
gs <-, parallel::mclapply(gx, function(x) {
cd <- sqrt(outer(emb[, 2], -gy, "+")^2 + (x -
emb[, 1])^2)
cw <- dnorm(cd, sd =
gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
cws <- pmax(1, Matrix::colSums(cw))
cw <- t(t(cw)/cws)
gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw * arsd$xd)
gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw * arsd$yd)
al <- sqrt(gxd^2 + gyd^2)
vg <- gw >= min.grid.cell.mass & al >= min.arrow.size
if (any(vg)) {
z <- es %*% cw[, vg]
else {
}, mc.cores = n.cores, mc.preschedule = T))
if (scale == "log") {
nd <- (log10(abs(nd) + 1) * sign(nd))
else if (scale == "sqrt") {
nd <- (sqrt(abs(nd)) * sign(nd))
gv <-, parallel::mclapply(gx, function(x) {
cd <- sqrt(outer(emb[, 2], -gy, "+")^2 + (x -
emb[, 1])^2)
cw <- dnorm(cd, sd =
gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
cws <- pmax(1, Matrix::colSums(cw))
cw <- t(t(cw)/cws)
gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw * arsd$xd)
gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw * arsd$yd)
al <- sqrt(gxd^2 + gyd^2)
vg <- gw >= min.grid.cell.mass & al >= min.arrow.size
if (any(vg)) {
z <- nd %*% cw[, vg]
else {
}, mc.cores = n.cores, mc.preschedule = T))
cat(". done\n")
return(invisible(list(tp = tp, cc = cc, garrows = garrows,
arrows = as.matrix(ars), vel = nd, eshifts = es,
gvel = gv, geshifts = gs, scale = scale)))
else {
apply(ars, 1, function(x) {
foocol = ac(x[5], alpha = arrow.alpha)
## unclear why this is needed frankly
x <- as.numeric(x[1:4])
if (fixed.arrow.length) {
suppressWarnings(arrows(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4],
length = 0.05, lwd = arrow.lwd, col=foocol))
else {
ali <- sqrt(((x[3] - x[1]) * par("pin")[1]/diff(par("usr")[c(1,
2)]))^2 + ((x[4] - x[2]) * par("pin")[2]/diff(par("usr")[c(3,
suppressWarnings(arrows(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4],
length = min(0.05, ali), lwd = arrow.lwd, col=foocol))
return(invisible(list(tp = tp, cc = cc)))
expr = {
sapply(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), function(i) {
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor2(scale(emb.veloviz), vel,
n = 50,
scale='sqrt', fixed.arrow.length=TRUE,
cex=0, arrow.scale=i, show.grid.flow=FALSE,
arrow.lwd=2, arrow.alpha = 0.5, do.par = FALSE,
cell.colors=cell.cols, main='VeloViz', axes=FALSE)
}, = "veloarrows.gif"
expr = {
sapply(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), function(i) {
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor2(scale(emb.umap), vel,
n = 50,
scale='sqrt', fixed.arrow.length=TRUE,
cex=0, arrow.scale=i, show.grid.flow=FALSE,
arrow.lwd=2, arrow.alpha = 0.5, do.par = FALSE,
cell.colors=cell.cols, main='UMAP', axes=FALSE)
}, = "umaparrows.gif"

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