Category HW1

Spatial Distribution of GATA3 and ADIPOQ expressions

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression of GATA3 (gene of interest) and ADIPOQ (the most highly variable) gene for cells with at...

Relationship between the centroid mass, area and its occurrences of ZEB1

What data types are you visualizing? It’s visualizing a quantitative data type of how many ZEB1 genes are found in a specific area given the x_centroid (4000-4500) and y_centroid (3000-3250)....

Spatial Relationship between ACTG2, ADAM9, and BASP1

What data types are you visualizing? My categorical data is the gene with the highest expression dictating the color, my spatial data is the x and y centroids depicting the...

Spatial Expression of the 3 Most Significantly Expressed Genes in All Cells

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression level of the three most significantly expressed genes across all cells for each cell, quantitative data...

Relationship between cells' spatial position and GATA3 expression

What data types are you visualizing? In this plot, I am visualizing quantitative data of each cell’s expression count of the GATA3 gene and quantitative data of each cell’s spatial...

The Spatially Variant Expression Pattern of AGR3

What data types are you visualizing?

Cells Clustered By Gene Expression

What data are you visualizing

Comparative detection of KRT7 and PTPRC gene expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing categorical data of the comparative gene expression detection of two genes KRT7 and PTPRC. There are four possible categories: only KRT7...

Expression level of the most variable gene ERBB2 in TSNE plot

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the most variable gene ERBB2 for each cell, and spatial data regarding the x,y...

Spatial position of cells with low gene count

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the categorical data of the presence of 3 or fewer genes in a cell together with the spatial data of the...

Comparing the relationship between Growth Factor Receptors Expression and Cell Area

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the EGFR, PDGFRA and PDGFRB genes for each cell, quantitative data of the area...

Relationship between Number of Genes Expressed and Cell Area

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the given quantitative data type of “Cell Area”, and the calculated quantitative data type of “Number of Genes Expressed” (calculated by...

Homework 1 Submission

What data types are you visualizing?

Relationship between ERBB2 Expression and Cell Area

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the ERBB2 gene for each cell, quantitative data of the area for each cell,...

Category HW3

Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction on Normal, Log10 Transformed and ScaleD Gene Expression

Should I normalize and/or transform the gene expression data (e.g. log and/or scale) prior to dimensionality reduction?

Comparison of using normalized and unnormalized data on gene expression clustering in t-SNE graphs

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the comparative gene expression of two genes KRT7 and PTPRC. I am also visualizing the quantitative data of...

The effects of log transformation, scaling and normalization prior to PCA and non-linear dimensionality reduction (tSNE) on PDGFRB gene expression data

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of 2 dimensional reduction through PCA and tSNE of original PDGFRB expression for each cell, quantitative data of 2...

Dimensionality Reduction approach for spatial transcriptomics in genes ZEB1 and ZEB2

1. Should I normalize and/or transform the gene expression data (e.g. log and/or scale) prior to dimensionality reduction? It is recommended to normalize the data with scale to help take...

Clusters of Genes Expressing ERBB2 using t-SNE

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the similarities in levels of overall gene expression in cells that have non-zero expression of ERBB2 and the level of expression...

Running tSNE analysis on genes or PCs

What data types are you visualizing? In this multi-panel plot, I am visualizing various quantitative and categorical data. For the PCA plot on the upper left, I am visualizing quantitative...

AQP1 Expression for Contrasting Principle Component Numbers

What data types are you visualizing? I am using categorical data (zero and nonzero expression) as well as quantitative (color gradient of expression).

Homework 3 Submission: Comparing Pre-processing Methods Prior to PCA

This series of plots demonstrates the effects of preprocessing steps taken prior to utilizing PCA for dimensionality reduction of multi-dimensional gene expression data. Some pre-processing steps include but is not...

Homework 3

Homework 3

The effect of Count Per Million normalization on Dimensionality Reduction

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of cells’ position on tSNE embedded 2-dimensional space. I am also visualizing the total gene count for each individual...

Comparing TSNE on gene expression matrix and top principal components

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the qualitative expression data of PTPRC,the most dominant gene in PCA, with respect to different TSNE reductions upon gene expression or...

Category HW 3

Effects of normalizing by gene count in the reduced dimension visualization

What data types are you visualizing? I present quantitative data of the PCA and tSNE reduced dimension applied to the raw gene expression data and the normalized by gene count...

Category HW5

Identification of two Cell Clusters

In my plots, I am looking at cell clusters 1 and 8. These clusters separate strongly from the other cells along PC1 and remain close together on t-SNE projections. In...

Exploration of Spatial Gene Expression

A general idea about the exploration

Cell Type Exploration of Charmander Data Set

The cluster appears to be endothelial cells that make up adipose tissue. When looking at the Wilcox vs log2fc graph three of most significantly upregulated genes are CAV1, VWF, and...

Differentially expressed genes and cell-type annotation for cluster 2

Cell-type annotation For this data visualization, we selected cluster 2 as it presented an interesting pattern. Then, by performing kmeans clustering and differential analysis on the normalized data, we noticed...

Multi-panel data visualization of k-means clustering results and gene expression

The data visualization chooses cluster 3 to be analyzed. It then identifies gene that are differentially expressed in that cluster compared to all the other clusters in the dataset. The...

Description of HW5

In order to determine cell type from cell cluster, I aimed to find particular genes which are both highly specific to one type of breast cell and also present in...

Identification of a Cluster Associated with CD8+ T cells

Description of my multi-panel plot Here, I identified a cluster that seems to be CD8+ T cells. In order to generate the plot above, I normalized the raw gene expression...

Determining Cell Type with Kmeans Approach

I used kmeans clustering to identify different cell types by looking at clusters in my data. I preproceessed my data by normalizing by total gene count and putting everything on...

Identifying an Epithelial Cell Population within the Breast Tissue Dataset

After performing kmeans clustering on my dataset, I randomly decided on investigating cluster 5 of my kmeans clustering. After a thorough analysis, I have concluded that this cluster is likely...

Homework 5


Identification of the Breast Glandular Cells

The visualization presented above comprises eight panels, all of which provide evidence to support the hypothesis that cluster 1 corresponds to breast glandular cells, a type of epithelial cell (1)....

Validation of cell type clustering via differential gene expression

The purpose of this visualization to present the usage of differential gene expression to validate cell type identification in k-means and tsne analysis of the dataset. The quantitative data of...

Category HW6

Identification of HER2+ Breast Cancer Cells

A. PCA and tSNE projection of spatial transcriptomics data. B. Cell cluster overlayed on spatial plot of cell patches. C. DE analysis of Cell Cluster 1 against all others; 20...

Identification of the Breast Cancer Cells

The visualization presented above comprises six panels, all of which provide evidence to support the hypothesis that cluster 8 corresponds to breast cancer cells. The top row panels are referred...

Attempts of a cell type identification

A general idea about the exploration

Looking at the cluster I found that the MUCL1 gene was heavily upregulated in the cluster. Looking at ProteinAtlas ( this gene is heavily expressed in mammary glands. Considering the...

Cell type identification based on clustering and gene expression on the Visium breast cancer dataset

Given the differential gene expression analysis, the cell type equivalent to cluster 1 in the data file is most likely a macrophage. Having identified the overexpressed genes in this cluster...

Multimodal analysis of cell-type using gene expression patterns

The raw gene expression data set was normalized by dividing each gene of each cell by the total number of genes for that cell. This amount is then multiplied by...

Identification of a Cluster Associated with Immune Cells

Description of my multi-panel plot Here, I identified a cluster that seems to include T cells, macrophages, and other immune cells in the Visium breast cancer data. In order to...

Determining Cell Type for Visium Data

I used kmeans clustering to identify different cell types by looking at clusters in my data. I preproceessed my data by normalizing by total gene count and putting everything on...

Identifying an B cell/ Adipocyte Composite Cluster in Visium Dataset

Similar to HW5, I performed kmeans clustering on my normalized dataset. I then went through each of the clusters in spatial representation as well as PC dimensional representation to understand...

Exploring the Cell Types of Breast Cancer Visium Data

The cluster I selected (Cluster 2) corresponds to breast cancer tumor cells. According to my differential expression analysis, the up-regulated DE genes include MAL2, TPD52, and DHCR24. Those are well-known...

Validation of cell type clustering via differential gene expression

The purpose of this visualization to present the usage of differential gene expression to validate cell type identification in k-means and tsne analysis of the dataset. The quantitative data of...

Category hwEC

Determination of Cell Cluster 5 as Natural Killer Cells

What cell type is the cluster you picked and what went in to your determination? I have identified cell cluster 5 as being Natural Killer cells due the differential expression...

Analysis of Spleen CODEX data

Cell-type annotation After reading, cleaning and normalizing the data, I performed kmeans clustering and observed that cluster 2 presented an interesting pattern in space. The most significant proteins (low p-value...


Comparing the gene expressions between clusters revealed that cluster 6 had a higher expression value for Podoplanin. To determine the optimal cluster, the highest gene expression value for a specific...

Cells Clustered By Protein Levels

I suspect that cluster 3 represents follciular dendritic cells (FDCs). A number of proteins are significantly upregulated in cluster 3, including SMActin, Podoplanin, and CD21/CD35. SMActin is found in a...